Part 15

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I got up, and walked to the room, walking in and sitting on my bed. My hands clenched into fists, Emily and Celina followed closely behind me.

'What the hell?! How can they do this?!'

'Blake calm down...'

'No I won't calm down Celina! They are keeping us here longer! For what?!'

'Turn your phone onto the radio.. let's see if they know.' Emily said, and I did.

'We have reports of borders being closed between the United Kingdom and France. The reasons behind this are unknown.'

I sighed, annoyance crept upon me as I put my head in my hands.

'We are now spending Christmas here, with two people being murdered and another bound to happen... we can't even get home!'

'Blake... we know, it's okay..' Emily said as she sat next to me and put her arm around me, Celina looked over.

'You know that this means we are now locked down in here.. right?' Celina said and I looked up, and nodded.

'Which means we are going to be spending Christmas here..'

And then it hit me, we were only 12 days from Christmas.

'Oh god.. we have to spend Christmas here too.'

I sat and sighed again, Celina got up.

'I am gonna go find Marshall and Leah, make sure they are okay.'

'Okay, see you later Celina.' Emily said as she walked out the room, I then turned to Emily and hugged her, putting my head into her shoulder.

'Blake? You alright?' She asked quietly, as she put her arms round me.

'No to be honest... I don't wanna spend Christmas locked into this hellhole..'

'Neither do I..'

'I don't know why I'm telling you.. your in the same situation...'

'Can I ask you something? Maybe change the subject.. but I need to ask you it..'

'Go on?'

'What did you mean.. when you said only friends?'

'Oh I.. umm..'

'Just be honest with me Blake.'

'What do you want for Christmas?'

'Don't change the subject!' She jokingly pushed me, and I pretended to fall backwards off the bed. She grabbed my arm quickly and I pulled myself up.

'Got ya!'

'Blake! I thought you were actually falling!'

'Well what if I had, I wouldn't have hurt myself!'

'Who says you wouldn't hurt yourself?'

'Me..' I held out my hand, she put hers into mine and we interlocked our fingers. I looked into her eyes, she looked back into mine. I shuffled forward and so did she, I leant forward and so did she, we closed our eyes...

'WE HAVE A PROBLEM!' Marshall burst in and looked at us.


'Dude stop yelling! She was with us a minute ago she went to find you..'

'Your joking right?'

'No... your kidding? She didn't come to you?'

'No I can't find her..'

'Oh god.. you don't think?'

'Blake, Emily, up, we need to find her!'

We got up and ran out the room, going straight to the receptionist.

'Excuse me? Have you seen a short girl, ginger hair?'

'Oh you must mean Miss Celina? She went out the front exit!'

We ran out of the front exit, looking around for her, we couldn't see her anywhere. I panicked, and had only one solution.

'Marshall, go tell someone what's happened. Leah, you stay with Marshall, same with you Emily.'

'Blake what are you doing?'

'I'm going back, that's where they take there victims. It has to be!'

'No! You aren't going alone again! If I hadn't followed you last time you would've been one of there victims!'

'Well what do we do then?!'

'We stick together.. please?'

'Okay.. okay let's stick together, let's tell someone. Then we go back,'

'No, we need more people.. there is at least twenty in this cult Blake!'

'Okay.. okay calm down.'

I saw Scott walk across the room in front, and my adrenaline and anger took over me. I ran in, and instantly jumped at him.

I took him to the floor, hitting him in the process.

I then started relaying punches into him like he had to me before, aiming for his cheeks and nose. I threw at least three.


Was the only words I got out whilst I did this, and he looked up at me.

'Where's who? Get off me you dick!'


'What's this about a cult?!' Mr Schuval stood over me, and picked me up by my arms.

'Scott? Do you have anything to say?'

'No Sir, he just attacked me!'

'That's a lie!'

'Yeah it's a lie! We saw you with that cult, we watched as you guys slaughtered Mr Hadley in cold blood!' Marshall shouted over Mr Schuval's shoulder.

'Excuse me?! Is this true!' He barked at Scott as he let go of me and went over into his face.

Scott said nothing, simply standing there.

'I won't talk about this here.'

'Then we do it somewhere else, Blake, Emily, Leah, Marshall, you come with us. THE REST OF YOU CONTINUE WITH WHAT YOU WERE DOING!' Mr shuval barked as he then lead us into the room which was normally used for nurses and clinical reasons.

'Now, Scott, explain yourself.'

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