Part 16

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I leant against the wall, watching Scott, as did everyone else in the room. He sat on a wooden chair, that had a flat, plastic table in front. He sat silent, twiddling his thumbs and tapping his feet.

Mr Schuval stood for a minute, looking down at him.

'Is this true?'

'Of course it's true! Yeah I helped with this cult that they talked about!'

'Why?! Why on earth would you do that Scott?!'

'Because I had to! They threatened me!'

'I don't buy it!'

'You don't have to, but.. I know where they took Celina.'

My ears perked up, and I stepped off the wall, fist clenched.

'Tell us where she is, now!'

'And what do I get from it Blake?!'

'We won't question you anymore, you get to go free. So long as we get Celina back safely.'

He nodded slowly, and Mr Schuval nodded too.

'They are at a ritual site they have, a mile in the opposite direction of the abandoned resort... you'll find them there.'

I rushed out the room, running out of the front entrance and turning a full 180 and running in that direction. Hoping he hadn't lied, j kept running despite my chest begging me to stop. I clutched my pocket, where the knife from the night a few nights ago sat, comfortably.

I saw a cross in the distance, and knew I was in the right place, I grabbed the knife out of my pocket and crouched in the trees.

I saw a few figures, but no one on the cross. They haven't started yet. I thought, as I pushed forward.

My adrenaline had kicked in as I thought of a way to find Celina, and I pushed forward. I saw a little shack, built out of old wood in the corner of the clearing, the cross in the middle stood out however.

'GET THE HELL OFF OF ME YOU CREEPS!' I heard her voice, she was toward the shack.

'Blake? Oi Blake!' I heard someone whisper beside me, Emily crouched next to me, next to her was Charlie and Luke, along with Marshall and Leah.

'Oh, brought the cavalry?'

'No! They offered to help, so they are here... you already know Marshall's twin bother Charlie, and this is Luke, a guy who Celina's been talking to.'

Charlie looked nothing like his twin, he had brown hair that was short and curly, his face also looked the polar opposite of his brother. Luke had short ginger hair and looked similar to Celina, their eye colour was the same and hair colour, however they were completely different. He was also two years older than us.

'We ready then?'

'Yeah, let's do it!' Marshall said as he led on, I grabbed Emily's arm.

'Look.. about what happened..'

'Really now?'

'No listen, in case anything happens to us...' I pulled her close and kissed her, slowly putting my arms around her neck and pulled her even closer, then smiled at her. She smiled back, I let go of her.

'Finally!' I heard Marshall whisper over to us, and then he smirked.

'If you wouldn't have interrupted so many... for god sake can we talk about this later?' I said and he nodded.

We sneaked around the outskirts of the clearing, I followed behind Emily as we pushed forward. I saw a few of the cult members lurking around near the cross, they looked to be splashing water on it, a faint chanting could be heard.

We got closer to the shack, and the others stopped, I wondered why until I saw two members leaving the shack with Celina. Her eyes locked directly with mine.

'We can take them!' I whispered to Marshall, and he shook his head.

'They are in the clearing and none of us have killed anyone before!'

'Celina isn't tied, if we distract them then we can get her to run...'

'Okay Blake no... wait that isn't a bad idea!'

As he said that I stood, and looked at him.

'You know that tackle you've always wanted to try?'


'Let's try it!'

We ran out of the clearing at the two members with Celina, we jumped and hit the back of their legs, taking them to the ground.

'Celina run!' I bellowed as I hit the floor, she got up and ran towards the others, me and Marshall got up and ran.

'Run!' I yelled as we started running through the forest, back in the general direction of the resort.

'Get those little..!' I heard a bold voice yell as we heard lots of footsteps behind us. The others were running fast, and so were me and Marshall.

As we got towards the resort clearing, the cult members slowed down.

'THIS ISNT OVER!' I heard one of them yell, and we got back inside the resort.

I went back to the room instantly, so did the others, along with Charlie and Luke.

'Jesus Christ... remind me never... to help you... again!' I heard Luke pant as he sat next to me on my bed.

Charlie sat down next to him, and the others stood up. I stood up too.

'Okay.. did they hurt you?' Luke asked Celina and she shook her head.

'You sure?'

'Yeah Luke I'm okay.'

'Good.. I'm just making sure, I care about you.'

'I know..' she said as she hugged him.

'Okay so Celina is alive..' I said as I sighed a sigh of relief.

'Yeah... that's good.' Marshall said as he went and crashed onto his bed.

'Can we stay in here?' Charlie asked, and I looked at him weirdly.

'No it's because they know we were with you, what if they suspect us to be working with you, so then we would be targeted too...'

'That's a good point.. but we don't have enough beds, who are you guys room sharing with?'

'Scott, Lee, Tammy.'

'Okay.. you'll be fine, Scott's in your room, they won't dare touch him. He's part of them.'

'Okay that's reassuring.. come on Luke, let's go!' He said with a hint of excitement.

Once they left I crashed on my bed, the others did the same on their own beds.

'Hey Blake?'

'Yeah Marshall?'

'Wanna talk about it now or...?'

'Shut up.'

'Why? You said we could talk about it later!'

'Oh god what happened whilst I was being nearly killed?'

'Marshall zip it. I wanna sleep!'

'Same!' Emily chimed in, and they laughed, Celina laughed as well even though she had no idea what he was on about.

I put my earphones in and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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