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The town centre was relatively empty on the cold Monday night that I had chosen to gather the rest of my necesities for the trip. We entered a Mountain Warehouse shop that was located relatively close to the car, and we grabbed the last item I needed, a coat.

We paid and made it slowly back, towards the car, I looked to my Mum next to me. She simply smiled, and then to my right at my friend, Marshal. He wore a denim jacket along with a pair of jeans, he was 6ft and he was slim.

We got into the car, I sat in the front and Marshal in the back, my Mum drove.

Once we got back, I looked into my suitcase, packing my new coat and zipping it up. I then locked up my metallic guitar case, with my Fender Squire Stratocaster in it. I then sat on my bed as Marshal ate crisps next to me.

'I'm going to bed man, I am so tired.' I said to him and he laughed.

'Alright mate, I won't be far behind, sleep well bud.'

I checked my phone one last time before I slept, One Message from Celina.

You still awake?

Barely, I replied, and waited for her reply.

Okay, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Can I sit with you and Marshal on the way there?

What happened with you and Scott? I replied, and there was a brief pause of her typing.

A lot, I'll tell you tomorrow, goodnight.


In The Mountains Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя