Part 2

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You awake?

I wouldn't have answered if I wasn't Emily,

I know I know.. I'm bored and I saw you were online.

I was in a conversation with Emily, my only other friend apart from Jason and the three that I was with currently. I had been awake for around 20 minutes.

The bus was dead silent, and I still had one of my earphones in. My songs were slowly moving forward, but I stopped the shuffling and listened to the album All Hope Is Gone by Slipknot, as Gematria started my phone vibrated.

Hey, don't leave me on read!

Sorry I'm here, just thinking to myself.

Is there a spare seat by you?

Yeah by Marshal, but I'm gonna get Celina to move there.

Oh, Jason bugging you again?

When does he not?

Good point..

I sat and thought about my past conversations with Jason, how he had convinced me in the past that I had bad taste in people and that the people I were friends with at a point were driving me in the wrong direction.

On one hand I agreed, the older people in my life were the wrong people. But he also made me loose some good friends.

Do you think I should tell him Emily?

Tell him what Blake?

That I don't like the way he's treated our friendship?

He's done some good for you and some bad.. maybe he's someone to keep around but not always take his word as gospel!

Your right.. god I hate when your right,

I know you do! Now when is our first stop?

In about 20 minutes the teachers will start waking people up, then we stop 5 minutes after.

Okay thank you, am I okay to move next to you?

Of course!

I put my phone down and continued listening to my music, Marshall slowly stirred across from me. I grabbed one of the pieces of paper from my notebook out of my bag and tore a piece off, then scrunched it up and threw it at him.

It hit him straight in the eye, he woke up slowly and I laughed. 'Did you seriously wake me up?' And I nodded, he sighed and looked at his watch, a Metallica themed Nixon.

'Jesus, we've already been on this coach for 7 hours..'

'First stop is in 25 minutes.'

(Time skip: 20 minutes later)

The teachers started waking all the students up, as they reached us, I had already woke Celina up.

We were slowly pulling into the first of the stops on our way there, we only got two or three. So we had around 10 minutes.

Once we stopped, I grabbed my wallet out of my bag and went out of the coach with Marshall and Celina.

'We need to wait for Emily, and Jason.'

'Oh yeah,' Marshall replied, so we stood for a minute waiting by the door to the service station. Once they came to us, we walked in and went straight to the Starbucks.

'If you guys order I'll wait for the drinks, I don't need to go to the bathroom or anything.' Emily said, and they went, I stayed.

'Why did you stay? I thought you needed to go?'

'I do, but I'll wait for a bit.'

'Oh okay!'

It went quiet between us for a few seconds, we had been friends for a lot less time than she had been friends with Marshall, Celina and Jason, me and her had just never met.

That was until 5 months before, when Justin had introduced us before an exam. We were queuing and he came over with her, introducing her to me as she already knew the other two.

'Hey Emily, you looking forward to this trip?'

'Kind of, I've never really skied.'

Her black, curly hair went down past her shoulders, and she had a fringe cut just above her eye brows. She wore jeans and a t-shirt, an outfit that quickly became a staple of our group, as it was all that we wore.

'Blake?' She snapped her fingers as I stared at the counter, I looked at her and laughed.

'Sorry I was miles away.. what were we talking about?'

'The trip.. skiing? You really are forgetful aren't you?'

We laughed as the others came back over, the drinks were ready and rested on the counter. We grabbed them and I went to the bathroom, quickly as the coach would be packing up in a few minutes.

I rushed out, washing my hands and walking over to my friends, who were waiting for me next to the exit.

We walked out and got back on the bus, Jason went back over to his football friends and Emily came on with us.

Celina sat next to Marshall and Emily next to me, we were only waiting for a few minutes before the bus set off again.

'So, what gossip are we gonna talk about?' Celina asked inquisitively.

'Oh really? We've been going from the services for a minute and already your irritating me.' Marshall said back, half seriously.

'Well all of us are single for the first time in a while.' I said, and they looked at me funny.

'Don't even suggest anything.'

'I wasn't going to Celina!'

'Oh sure you weren't Blake!' She laughed and I did too.

The next 7 hours of the trip went by quite fast, and before we knew it, we were already 14 hours into the trip. We only had another 14 to go.

We were all looking forward to getting there, unpacking and sorting rooms, then sleeping.

But we couldn't do that yet.

(Time skip: 12 hours later)

I woke in the middle of the night, we only had a few hours left of the trip, and I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.

Emily had fallen asleep leaning against me, and I didn't want to wake her so I stayed still.

I put both of my earphones back in, as I had fallen asleep with only one in, and reshuffled my playlist.

Marshall woke up next, only a few minutes after me.

'Dude.. I got a text..'

'From who?'

'I don't know, it's an unknown number.'

'Just ignore it then!'

He turned his phone off and we started talking, slowly moving ourselves but trying not to wake the other two up.

We talked until we opened the curtains that we had next to us to reveal a beautiful landscape, that overlooked a city, the mountains that were in front of us looked amazing.

We were in for a good trip. Or so we thought.

In The Mountains Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon