Part 11

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The light was the first thing I was fixated on, it's brightness felt like it blinded me with every second my eyes edged awake. My first feeling was the numbness in my lower face, mainly around my nose.

'Your awake?' I heard a voice say to my right, I slowly rotated my head to look at the source, a nurse, in purple.

'We need to get you up, seated.' He said as he started helping me to sit up, he then examined my eyes, as they had now fully opened. The light made me feel dizzy as I felt it go through my eye.

'You seem okay, can you talk?'

'I can talk.. just chose not too, let you do your job..' I said, and he smiled at me. He then grabbed a bag from underneath the bed I was lay in and unpacked it, it contained my still bloody clothes from the incident beforehand. I smiled towards him as I got myself up, and jumped out of the bed, slowly slipping out of the hospital gown and into my jeans and t-shirt.

I put my shoes on, and looked in the mirror. My nose has bruising around it, purple, and my eye was also black. I looked at my Phone, and it wouldn't turn on. My watch had been broken during the ordeal as well.

I walked out and started to walk back to the room, I didn't have the key anymore as one of them must have taken it from me. I walked towards the door and knocked, to my surprise it was almost instantly answered.

'Blake?! Your awake?!' I heard Leah say as she opened the door, Marshall, Celina and Emily sat in the room, around the makeshift table we had made.

'Yep, I'm here.' I said as I walked in, and they looked up, and for a second no one did anything. Marshall smiled at me, Celina and Emily jumped up and hugged me, I hugged back.

'God it's like you all thought I was gonna die.'

'That's the thing, they thought you would.' Marshall said, and they turned to look at him, I imagine they scowled towards him.

'Oh, that's cheery. I don't care, I'm not dead.' I said as I walked over to the table, they had set out each file and tried to tie it all together.

'Mr Hadley helped a bit with this, and before you ask he's okay, Emily told us everything.' Marshall said and I nodded, we started looking over it all again.

My stomach groaned, and Marshall laughed at me. 'You dumbass, you haven't eaten yet have you,' he said and I shook my head. I got up, and so did they, we all decided to go down to the cafeteria, despite it being almost 5am.

When we got in there, the staff had some options available, due to the resort having and all inclusive package that the school got, we got free meals. We walked in and grabbed sandwiches, sitting at one of the tables in the corner.

(1 hour later)

We were talking about random stuff.

'Hey Marshall, Leah, are you two a thing now? Officially?'

'Hey Blake, shut the hell up.'

'Nah answer us Marshall!' Celina chimed in, and Emily nodded, agreeing.

'Fine.. yeah we are, we have been since the bus journey here. We were texting and decided to try it out, good decision in my opinion.'

'Haha you answered! Congrats,' I said, and sipped on the coffee that I had slowly.

'What about you Blake? How do you explain your moment with Emily in the room?'

'What?!' Celina almost blurted out.

'Chill, I played a song for her! Nothing else,'

'Oh sure Blake, and I'm the pope!' Marshall added, laughing.

'No I'm being serious!'

'He is, nothing else happened.' Emily stated, quite sternly.

'Oh damn, your being serious? And we thought you two had got together!' Leah said, and we all went quiet for a moment.

(20 minutes later)

'HELP!' We heard screaming, and yelling. I got up instantly, and ran to the source. A girl, one of the ones from the trip, was breaking down in front of me.

'What's wrong?!' I asked.

'They took him... they took Hadley!'


'Yes! They... they...'

'Who? Which way?'

'These hooded figures... they went that way!' She pointed out of the door towards the woods. Marshall and the others were now with me too, hearing what she was saying.

'We need to help him!'

'I know.. I know! God sake,' I said as I walked into the cafeteria and walked over to the cutlery area, grabbing a few sharp knives.

'Take one each, defence. Do not use it unless you have to.' I said, and I walked out of the resort towards the woods, the others quickly caught up.

'So we're going after Mr Hadley?'

'Yes, we aren't gonna let him die. We aren't loosing someone else.'

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