Part 18

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'WHERE IS BLAKE?!' I heard yelling as I woke up, falling out of bed in the process.

'What do you mean where is he? He's probably gone for a walk!' Leah replied, and Celina looked back.

'Marshall's out looking now.. we might just be overreacting.'

I sat on the floor, lost on what was going on around me. Leah and Celina were looking round the room, noticing his key being left on his bed.

'That can't be good..'

'No it's not good. I couldn't find him around the resort so I asked them to check the cameras, he left at 5:15 and never came back.' Marshall came back in, explaining it as soon as he walked in the door.

'So that means...'

'I believe it does..'

Luke and Charlie ran into the room, shutting it behind them. They looked panicked.

'Scott isn't here!' Lucas said.

'Your kidding..' Marshall replied.

'No I'm not he isn't here.'

'That means.. Scott and Blake are either together or Blake's been taken..'

'For god sake..'

I got up, standing on my feet and putting my shoes on.

'Emily where are you going?'

'Back there, he has to be there.'

'Woah okay, let's calm down for a minute!' Leah announced, and I looked at her, eyes sharply staring into hers.

'I won't wait, I won't calm down. He's our friend and we need to help him the longer we wait the more chance he will be dead by the time we find him!'

(Blake PoV)

I was tied, arms behind my back and legs tied so I was stuck kneeling. I was stuck in a dark room, no light and my vision slightly blurred. They had taken my mouth duck tape off though.

Stood in front of me were two people, both hooded, one distinctly built with his shoulders wide. The other, stood broadly too, her face was slightly visible.

'Your the one who's been interfering then? You look pathetic.' He said as he grabbed my hair and made me look at his face, his eye on the right side was blinded, a scar covering his right eye socket all the way to the bottom of his cheek.

'And you must be the dick who's been killing my friends.' I said and he laughed slightly, then punched me in the cheek, making me fall to the side.

'You stupid boy, who do you think you are!' He yelled at me as he kicked my ribs, I felt them fracture as he did. I coughed, loosing my breath.

'Your lucky, I should've killed you sooner.' He said again as he grabbed me now, pulling me up and pointing a machete in between my eyes.

'What are your last words Blake?!'

'I don't need last words... You won't kill me now... you'll do your ridiculous ceremony...'

He looked down at me and laughed, then he looked at the woman next to him.

'You deal with him, I'm going to set up the cross.'

'Yes Boss.'

She looked down at me, then crouched in front of me, taking off her hood.

Her hair let down into a shoulder-length curly mess. And her eyes were green, staring directly at me.

'You and your friends are quite persistent, sadly you'll be the one to pay the price.'

'I... won't be the only... one will I?'

'No, we plan to take down all your friends.'

'Please... don't hurt them...'

'Ha that's sweet, tell me, which one of them would you save if you got the chance? Which one would you talk to one last time?'

I sat and wondered this, then looked at the woman.

'I just wanna tell them how I feel.. and one of them how I truly feel..'

'Aw that's cute, sad you'll never be able to!' She exclaimed excitedly as she hit me with the hilt of her machete, knocking me out.

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