Part 4

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When I woke from my sleep in the nursing area, Emily was next to me, sat with her curly hair tied back in a neat ponytail.

I slowly pushed myself up and she looked over, so did the nurse.

'Oh your finally awake! You fainted as soon as your friend talked about meeting you back in your room.'

'Oh.. Jesus, I'm sorry!'

'Oh no it's okay dear, your nose wouldn't stop bleeding.'

Emily stood up and grabbed my hand, helping me get myself more upright so I could put my shoes on. The nurse just stood, as I put my shoes on, she slowly wrote on a notepad.

'And we are finished here! Your all set to leave!'

I got up, holding onto Emily's hand and shoulder as I steadied myself, I pulled my jacket down and brushed my jeans off, then we proceeded to walk towards our room.

'You know, you were out for a good 3 hours,'

'How long did you sit with me?'

'The whole 3 hours... I told the others to go and get food and sort themselves out.'

'You sat with me? Why?'

'Cause I care about you!'

'Okay.. okay, well what did I miss?'

'Celina told everyone to get back to our room when we had time.. said she found something out!'

We approached the door to the room and I pushed it open, everyone was in there apart from us two. We sat on our separate beds and Celina started talking:

'Look, I heard a few things about this abandoned route in the woods! Being as we don't have much to do.. why don't we go now?' She said as I looked out of the window. It was kinda dark.

'Are you sure Celina? It's nearly dark?' I spoke in a paranoid tone, and she just laughed.

'Of course I'm sure! If we wait till the teachers are in bed we'll be fine!'

I looked at the others, they all seemed alright with it. I slowly realised that we were all sixteen or seventeen, and that the dark wasn't really scary to us anymore.

We decided to set off in around an hour, so for that hour I played through the two songs I had learnt before leaving for the trip on my guitar, playing along to them off of my phones speaker.

Capsizing the sea and In Waves were the two songs, and whilst I played them the people in the room listened, even one of the teachers came in and listened.

'You know, Blake, you should perform for us whilst we are here! They have a stage.' Mr Hadley suggested, but I shrugged it off.

'No I can't do that sir, I'm not good enough.'

For the remainder of the hour we sat and talked about what we were actually going to do along this abandoned route.

'It's not just a route, it leads to an old resort that was used before this one was built! It was all just left though, no furniture was taken, all left to desolation and rust.' Celina said and we all went silent, that didn't spell out good news, at least to me.

'I don't know about this ya know..' Leah said, and I finally agreed with her on something.

'I agree, but I'll still come! Adrenaline and all that.' I said, and did the rock symbols with both hands.

We got ready, and the teachers came in and told us it was lights out. I looked at my phone, 10pm.

We set out, I grabbed a key and put it in my pocket, then I locked the door as the others snuck forward.

I followed suit and we quickly made it out of the main building of the resort.

'The woods is a half mile walk.. get ready, we got some walking to do!' Celina announced, and with that we started walking.

(20 minutes later)

'You know, this walk hasn't been all that bad.'

'Yeah, what are you listening too?'

I heard Marshall and Leah talking.

'Blake, what your favourite genre?'

'Music? Metal, what about you Emily?'

'A mix.. however my favourite..'

We continued talking about music genres, and other things that we shared common interest in.

We reached the start of the wood Celina seemed to be on about, and in the distance, under the pale moonlight, there was a few buildings scattered around a open area.

'That's it! I told you there was any abandoned resort!' Celina exclaimed, joy filled her eyes.

We ventured forth, not knowing what's the place held inside.

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