Part 5

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The trees looked over us, and the resort was old and decrepit.

The broken down wooden lodge that we first came across was simple enough, a bunch of furniture still lay in ruin. The roof of the building started to break down as it wasn't properly cared for in years.

The furniture has rips and tears, some had teeth marks from wild animals in them. Marshall slowly went towards one of the back rooms that had a door shut.

I rummaged around a few papers that were scattered across a desk, dating back to 2015, some even earlier than that. The earliest I found was from 1999, a form filled out for the resort owners to build on the land.

I grew curious of my surroundings, not knowing whether to trust myself alone. The slow descent of darkness loomed in around me.


Emily jumped out from behind me, scaring me.

'Jesus.. why?!'

'It was funny, cheer up!'

'I don't trust this place, I don't like it.'

'Neither do I, but we'll be fine!'

I grabbed Emily's arm and pulled her with me, I showed her the desk, looking through the papers.

It all showed dates of how the resort was good, up until 2008, using my phones flashlight, we looked through documents of times where the place had seen disease, and also deaths.

'There were murders here... several of them. Dating back to 2009?'

'Yep.. I read it a minute ago and I didn't know whether my eyes were playing tricks on me Emily.'

'Celina!' Emily shouted, and she came over, out of the darkness with a flashlight.

'Can we have your backpack quickly?' I asked, and she handed it to us, we unzipped it and put the murder files into it.

'What's that?'

'Files. Murder files.'


Celina looked worried, and I shrugged. I handed her backpack back and we headed towards the door towards where Marshall and Leah had gone off to.

We walked through the door, and saw Marshall and Leah. They were against the wall.

'Hey guys? Wanna stop for a minute?' Celina said, and they quickly separated.

'Oh.. how long have you been there?'

'We just walked in Marshall, chill.' I said, and he sighed, we looked around the room a bit, nothing much other than a bed and a bedside table, en-suite bathroom attached.

We searched for a little bit, before we started moving towards the main resort building.

Once we reached the door, we looked around the room, there were multiple rooms. I went into the furthest one to the right, and I walked in.

Security room, monitors hung on the walls, computer screens hooked up to the base of each wall, sitting on a desk filled with either old junk food cartons, or papers.

I started searching, after seeing the murder files I was curious. I found ones dating back to around 2009-2010. I started reading through them, finding nothing until I moved to the drawers of the second desk. It read:

Murder of Charleston Desker;

The boy, aged 17, had a fight with an employee of unknown name, employee proceeded to wait until nighttime and kill on the premises. The boy was found in the morning, CCTV caught the murder on full film however the employee was never found.

I stopped reading and looked around, feeling a chill run down my spine. Emily came and tapped me on the shoulder, and I handed her the file. She read through it whilst I sat with my arms folded on the desk.

'Holy... so this man is still alive? And not in prison?'

'Apparently so..'

We looked at each other, and we took the file, then we met back up with the others. We met up with Celina in the front room and gave her the new file to put in her backpack, and waited for Leah and Marshall, who joined us in after a few minutes.

'We need to go back to the resort.' I stated.


'We'll show you when we get back Marshall, let's go.'

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