Part 17

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I stared at the roof, pitch black in the room. I looked at my phone, 5:15am, I got up and found a shirt to put on, getting into my jeans.

I had to get out, I couldn't lie awake any longer and wonder. I couldn't lie awake any longer and hate it. I walked out the door, leaving my key on my bed.

Slowly I walked down the hall out into the reception, the darkness slowly lifting outside to create a weird orange glow. I walked out and went towards the east, a way we hadn't gone before.

I walked up a steep pathway, bushes and roses surrounded me. I continued walking as my headphones blasted music into my ears. My eyes were playing tricks on me, as throughout the bushes I thought I saw figures.

Once I got to the top of the path, it overlooked a vast open plain, leading from the top all the way around the mountain, like a halo. However it sloped down again. I decided to go the north this time and head back down, I knew it was towards the old resort.

I couldn't help going back, part of me could never let go of the curiosity. The curiosity of what I could have done differently. And why Jason had been killed.. Hadley had been killed.. why I didn't help to stop it.

The descent wasn't bad, as I slowly walked down, it wasn't long before I reached it.

As I got there, which I soon found out was a quicker way, I looked around the first of the buildings, this time, it was one of the ones that I had not yet been into.

I walked in and instantly hit with the stench of death, I still had both earphones in as the song sever the hand played. I looked around, the sun had started shining now and I could see a lot more clearly.

I didn't find anything of use. A pentagram, however, had been painted on the floor, I walked closer to it and that's when I saw a pile in the middle. My first thoughts were who's been killed now.. and to my surprise, no one.

The pile was of animal guts, decaying at there own pace without human interaction, the pentagram painted with their blood by the smell and look of it. The cult had done this recently, most likely the night before when we had rescued Celina.

I left the building quickly, and went into one just by the side of it, a small garage room, full of hooks, knives and machetes.

This has to be the cults main place.. they wouldn't have all this stuff here if it wasn't.

My thoughts were cut off by a blow to the back of the head, knocking me to the floor.

'Now what do we have here!' A deep Irish voice spoke, and my ears pricked.

'If it isn't one of the kids who's been causing us problems! Boss is gonna have some fun with you!'

I kicked out, hitting the man straight between the legs. His voice croaked as I did, and I got up.

He quickly regained his stance, and raised his fists.

'Oi, M! What's going on in there?!' I heard another voice outside.

'See, your not getting out of here.'

'I'll take my chances, dick.' I said as I kicked him between the legs again, delivering a blow to his right cheek and knocking him to the floor. I took the opportunity to run, dashing out the door, where I was met by two others.

'Oh, it's you.'

'Scott?! Your still doing this?!'

'Yeah, and Boss has specific orders on what to do with you.'

'And what's that?'

'No mercy, break every bone in your pathetic body if we have to, but you have to be kept alive so he can do what he does best. Torture you.' The grimace in his voice made me shudder, and it didn't take long before I started fighting.

Delivering a swift kick to the one on the right, and he grasped his side as he went down.

'Just me n you Scott.'

'It's a good thing these other two aren't good fighters.' His voice croaked slightly.

'What changed Scott?! Why are you doing this?'

'Celina changed me! She told me what I was, so I'm reliving that and making her realise I was nothing like it!'

Scott delivered the first hit, into my arm, and I delivered one back to his face. We quickly became fused together in an all out brawl, my fist flying into his stomach and face.

He kicked me in the stomach and I clutched it, he then punched my in the chest and tripped me backwards, throwing me down.

'You... put you a good fight for once!'

'I don't... care... why do you want to... prove her right..?' I managed to splutter.

'Because... she dumped me for you, or at least I thought till Luke became involved.'

'That's... not a reason... to join a cult.. and kill innocent people..'

'I don't care!' He said as he kicked me in the ribs, then he tied my legs together, then my arms.

'Any last words before I duck tape your mouth?'

'Screw you...'

He duck taped my mouth, and he went over to another building.

He came back with two others, and they grabbed me.

'Where do we take him?'

'To the Boss.'

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