Part 6

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We sat on two of the six beds, using one of the little tables, I set out all of the files we had found during our search in the abandoned place.

Marshall and Leah picked them up, and started looking through, I lay back against the wall that the bed was situated next to. There mouths dropped and they slowly swapped files, they read the other and looked at us.

'So this all happened, a mile and a half down the road?'

'Yep, and the killer is still out there.'

There was a knock at the door, we panicked and threw the files under Leah's pillow.

I opened the door, and Mr Schuval barged in.

'We have a major problem.'

'What is it sir?'

'It's Jason, he's missing!'

We all glanced around to each other, and we all got up.

'We are looking but...'

'Shut up, we're going looking too.' Marshall said as he grabbed my arm and Leah's hands who in turn grabbed Celina and I grabbed Emily. We all walked out.

We walked out into the outdoor part of the resort, a dimly lit area that was surrounded by bushes.

'Where could he have gone?!' Celina said, worry came deep into her voice with every letter she said, the last of which being a mic of high and low pitch.

'We don't know, we search, groups of two.' Marshall said,

'And me, I'll come too.' Said a voice behind us, Mr Hadley!

'Okay, Sir, you and Celina go together, me and Leah. Blake and Emily you good to go together?'

We nodded, and we split up in 3 different directions, me and Emily went towards the abandoned place we had been at an hour prior.

(20 minutes later)

'No sign of him yet, you guys?' I spoke down the phone to Marshall, who hasn't seen him either.

'Oh god.. what if we don't find him?'

'We will Emily, don't panic,'

'I'm not panicking about that, I'm panicking if anything happens to us!'

'Nothing will, don't worry.'

We walked towards the first building again, and as we stepped towards the door, I flashed my flashlight down.

'Blood. Stop.' I spoke and the words dropped out of my mouth, my jaw dropped.

'Phone Marshall, Emily.' I asked and she did, she told Marshall to get to the abandoned place quick, and he told her he'd alert sir and Celina.

(30 minutes later)

Marshall and Leah came with sir and Celina. They walked towards us and I pointed my flashlight towards the blood.

'Wasn't here earlier,' I said, and Marshall nodded.

'Okay, whatever is in here brace yourselves.' Marshall said, and I walked first, telling the others to wait.

I walked into a bloodbath, Jason was pinned against the wall by a javelin of sorts, it appeared more as a throwable spear. His throat looked slit and his one arms was cut down the middle, a clean cut to cause him to bleed out profusely.

'DONT COME IN!' I yelled, and they didn't, I stood looking at it.

He was pinned naked, well he had underwear on, but his stomach was cut and torn.

I walked back out, and my face was pale.

'Blake? What's wrong?' Emily said, and I looked at her, shook my head and threw up in the bush next to me.

'He's in there isn't he...' Celina muttered, and I came back up from throwing up and nodded. Sir looked down and went inside, I followed him in to make sure he was okay.

'Jesus.. who the hell would have done this?' Sir muttered, and my eyes widened.

'Sir can you give me a moment? And send the others in please? If they want to.'

'Of course Blake, take all the time you need... this is your friend after all.'

The others came in.. and they're reactions were mixed, Marshall cursed under his breath, Celina started to cry, Leah stood there for a moment and threw up behind herself, Emily tried to keep it all in but started crying too.  I went over and hugged her tightly.

'It's okay, you can cry...' I said.

I stopped hugging her and smiled, she had brightened up a little bit.

'Okay, I need to show you all something. Look:'

I pointed my light towards the wall next to Jason, there were words written there.

You disturbed my home, intruded in a place you don't belong and took files that don't belong to you. The consequences will continue.

One of you has faced the consequences of the others actions. Next it will be one of you.

Watch your back.

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