In their lives? Pt 1

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Lili and Cole separated in March of 2020, why might you ask? Well, because Cole cheated on Lili.

She was heartbroken.

She knew something was off with him, he was never with her, he seemed to be avoiding her and he never even went home to her.

It was obvious that he was pulling away from her, but she never thought that it was because he was cheating.

Since they had broken up right before quarantine started Lili was all alone.

She would spend most days crying on the couch or in her bed just thinking about everything.

Though, as months went by she got better and was preparing herself to face him again since they were going back to work finally.

The first few times they had seen each other they sort of distanced themselves, but not because of COVID, just because they still weren't 100% ready to be close again.

But as they began to see each other more they got closer and realised how much they had truly missed each other.

And that led Cole to invite her over to his apartment one night for dinner.

He apologised for everything he did to her and she accepted his apology...but then he kissed her.

Lili- C-Cole, we're not doing this. I know I accepted your apology but that doesn't mean we're just getting back together.

Cole- But I thought you said you missed me..?

Lili- I do miss you but I'm not just gonna come crawling back to you because you're sorry.

Cole- (sighs) I know I shouldn't have done that.

Lili- It's fine.

After a lot more talking they decided to have a relationship again...but it wasn't a relationship like they had before. It was a friends with benefits relationship. Lili wasn't ready to just go back to him, which he understood, so they thought that just hooking up was the best option for them at that time.

After many months of hookups you are finally caught up to where our story begins.

~December of 2020~

Lili was sitting in the bathroom of her apartment freaking out.

She hadn't gotten her period in six weeks and she is always regular, but of course since she's been having a lot of sex lately she is taking a pregnancy test.

She was really hoping she wasn't pregnant because she and Cole weren't even together anymore but you know...things happen for the best right?

Suddenly her alarm went off which pulled her out of her thoughts.

She placed her hand on the pregnancy test and turned it over to see that it said "Pregnant" in bold letters.

Lili- O-Oh my god. What am I gonna do? (cries)

She broke down crying, she wasn't ready for this.

She calmed herself down and thought for a moment before deciding to call one of her Riverdale Co-Star...she was honestly the only person she could talk to at that exact moment.

On the phone:

Vanessa- Hey Lil's, what's up?

Lili- H-Hey V, u-um... (cries)

Vanessa- Are you okay?

Lili- N-Not really...I'm honestly really scared. (cries)

Vanessa- It's okay, what's going on? (softly)

Lili- I-If I tell you, you have to promise m-me that you won't t-tell anyone, okay? (cries)

Vanessa- Okay, I promise...just please tell me, you're making me nervous.

Lili- I-I'm pregnant. I'm sorry for calling you I'm just so scared and you're the only I can call right now, I just- (cries)

Vanessa- Calm down Lil's, it's okay. I'm glad that you called me. But I need to ask, who is the dad?

Lili- U-Uh- (cries)

Vanessa- You don't have to say if you don't want but...

Lili- I-It's Cole. (cries)

Vanessa- I didn't think you two got back together?

Lili- We didn't, we've just been hooking up for the last few months. (sniffles)

Vanessa- Oh honey...what do you want to do?

Lili- I don't know, I can't handle this right now. (cries)

Vanessa- I didn't think I could either, especially not alone. But look at me, I'm still working and I'm eight months pregnant. You can do whatever you want but make sure it's your decision, not anyone else's.

Lili- Thank you, that really helped. (tears)

Vanessa- Of course, and if you decide to keep the baby they can be besties!!!

Lili- Yeah, definitely. (giggles)

Vanessa- Alright, if you need help with any of this, or you just need to talk, please call me.

Lili- I will, I love you.

Vanessa- I love you too boo.

Off the phone:

As soon placed her phone down she smiled and placed her hand on her stomach, talking to Vanessa made her feel a little better and now she was honestly excited...but she was still terrified to tell Cole and anyone else; but she had to.

That night she went to Cole's apartment to tell him about everything but as soon as the words "I'm pregnant" came out of her mouth, he was so angry.

Cole- You're kidding right? You better be lying!

Lili- I'm not kidding. (quietly)

Cole- No this isn't happening, you're not having my kid!

Lili- What do you mean? (quietly)

Cole- You're getting a fucking abortion!

Lili- No I'm not. (tears)

Cole- Excuse me?!

Lili- No, I'm not getting an abortion. This is my baby, you can't tell me what to do. (tears)

Cole- You seriously want to have a baby?! You're fucking 24, you're basically a child!

Lili- One, I'm an adult, I can do what I want. And two I don't want to have a baby, I'm not ready for a baby, but I refuse to get rid of my child. (tears)

Cole- Why?

Lili- I'm not going to do something that I will regret...and if you don't want this kid that's fine but I'm having it. (cries)

Cole- No you're not!

Lili- Yes I am. I can tell him or her that you don't want to be a part of their life but I'm not gonna pretend like this didn't happen; it did. Whether you like it or not, you are this child's father. (cries)

Cole- I hope you know, this is gonna ruin your life.

Lili- No, it'll only ruin yours because at least I'll care. (tears)

Then she left his apartment.

That night she told her family and all of her friends but she was still gonna have to figure everything out...with or without him being in their lives.

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