Everything they ever wished for pt 2

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Covid had happened.

Riverdale production was shut down in early March and everyone was flown back to California.

They quarantined for months, but sadly Lili was all alone...she had no one.

Seven months with no one.

She was living in a small apartment for a while but in July she had finally found a house, her house.

She stayed there alone for the longest time, not wanting to see anyone...but then finally Riverdale was going to be filming again.

Everyone had flown back to Vancouver and had to quarantine for two weeks until they were finally going back to filming.

But the day before they were going to go back Lili had been exhausted and she was in a lot of pain.

She was laying on the couch trying to calm herself down when she suddenly felt liquid run down her legs.

Lili- F-Fuck... (tears)

She grabbed her phone and quickly went to her contacts, calling the one person she could.

On the phone:

Cole- Hey, you okay?

Lili- C-Cole, h-help me! (breathes heavily)

Cole- Lil's, Lili, what's going on?!

Lili- P-Please don't ask questions, I n-need help. (cries)

Cole- O-Okay, okay, I'll be there in five.

Off the phone:

He quickly hung up and ran to his car, driving to Lili as quickly as possible.

And even though they were all supposed to be quarantining, and not seeing anyone, he needed to get to her.

As soon as he arrived at her apartment complex he ran up to her apartment and opened the door to see her rubbing her clearly pregnant stomach.

Cole- Lili...

Lili- C-Cole, help, p-please. (sobs)

He ran to her and pulled her into his arms allowing her to lean against him.

Cole- Y-You're pregnant? (softly)

Lili- (nods) M-My water broke...I need to get to the hospital. (cries)

Cole- Okay, I've got you, I've got you. (softly)

He helped her stand and quickly got her downstairs before they got to the car and drove to the hospital.

The whole drive Lili was crying in pain, Cole felt horrible and did all he could to help her, then they arrived at the hospital.

Instantly Lili was taken to a room where her doctor began to set things up, but then she looked towards Cole.

Doctor- Are you the father?

Cole- N-No I-

Lili- Yes. (breathes heavily)

Cole- W-What?

Lili- I said no questions, no questions until she's born. (breathes heavily)

Cole- She?

Lili- Y-Yes, now what do you not get about no questions?! (breathes heavily)

Cole- Sorry, sorry.

The doctor chuckled slightly while Cole sat next to Lili in shock...but then the doctor looked up at them.

Doctor- Because you're ahead of your due date by about a month I'm going to have to give you some medication to speed up the birthing process.

Lili- What? Why? (cries)

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