I will always love you

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Lili had finished up at work early and she was excited...mostly because she got to see her baby girl who at this point she could rarely see because she worked so much.

She quickly drove to her apartment and was greeted by her best friend who always took care of her daughter while she worked. Of course Lili always offered to pay her best friend but she always refused...but she would give her gifts anyway.

Allison- Lil's you're home so early, did you get off?

Lili- Yeah, all of my scenes are done for the day so I got to come home early, where's Amelia?

Allison- She's sleeping.

Lili walked over to her daughters room and quietly opened the door just to get a peek at her sleeping one year old.

She walked back over to her friend who wawa just smirking at her.

Lili- What?

Allison- How are you and CoLe SpRoUsE!!! (teases)

Lili- Oh my god be quiet. (blushes)

Allison- Girl you know I'm never going to stop...my best friend is dating THE Cole Sprouse!!!

Lili- Yeah...he's the sweetest. (blushes)

Allison-Oh my god, you totally love him!!!

Lili- W-What...n-no I-

Allison- Oh stop lying, I can see it in your eyes.

She took a deep breath and looked at her best friend who wouldn't stop smirking at her.

Lili- O-Okay fine...I do. But we haven't said it yet so please don't say anything.

Allison- I won't, but you deserve this. Especially after Kyle.

Lili- Thank you...I just wish i could tell him about Amelia.

Allison- What? Lil's, you still haven't told him?

Lili- N-No, I want to tell him so bad but everytime I try to, I get nervous and chicken out.

Allison- I get that but the longer you keep this from him the harder it'll get to tell him.

Lili- I know, I'll tell him soon.

Allison- You better...now I should probably get going, I promise my Alex I'd meet him as soon as you came home.

Lili- Okay, have fun...but not too much fun.

Allison- Don't worry Lil's, I have protection.

Lili- Oh my god, why am I still friends with you? (giggles)

Allison- Because you love me!

Lili- Okay, that's true...now go, you don't want to keep your man waiting.

Allison- Alright, I love you.

Lili- I love you too.

She walked out the door and Lili locked it almost immediately after.

As soon as the door closed she heard the cry of her daughter. She quickly ran into her room and picked up her little girl who hugged her mother as soon as she was in her arms.

Amelia- Mama

Lili- Hi baby.

She held her daughter in her arms for a few minutes not wanting to put her down but once she did her daughter bolted into the living room to play with her toys.

Lili followed and sat on the floor with Amelia while she played with her dolls, books and blocks.

After a few minutes Amelia already started to get bored so she crawled into her mother's lap.

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