Life Unexpected pt 1

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It was a normal Sunday afternoon.

Lili and Cole were at target grabbing a few things that they needed, but as they reached their car, the young couple heard the sound of a child crying.

Lili looked around the parking lot, not seeing anything, but then Cole said her name.

Cole- Lil's, what is it?

Lili- D-Do you hear that sound? It sounds like a kid crying.

He quickly nodded, but then the two of them spotted the car with a little girl inside.

She was banging on the window while sobbing, and it was 87° outside, so it had to be at least 97° in that small car.

Lili and Cole ran over to the car. The window was cracked lightly so they could talk to the child, but they couldn't get the window down.

Cole- Sweetie, can you hear us?

She nodded while crying. She reached her fingers through the small crack in the window wanting to get out, but she couldn't do anything.

Lili- Honey...don't get your fingers stuck, we're gonna get you out of here.

???- H-Help me. (sobs)

Cole- We will sweetheart, but we're going to have to break the window...can you go to the other side of the car and cover yourself in that blanket so the glass doesn't hurt you?

???- I-It's too hot! (sobs)

Lili- We know, we know, but we don't want you to get'll just be for a second.

She nodded and quickly covered herself in the blanket which Cole began to kick the glass until it broke.

Carefully the little girl stood up and walked back over, reaching her arms up to Cole as he pulled her out of the car and into his arms.

Cole- Lil's, she's burning up.

Lili placed her hand on the little girl's head and gasped.

Lili- O-Okay...let's get her in our car and blast the air. (nervously)

The two of them took the little girl over to their car and got in, instantly blasting the air.

She sat in Cole's lap, hugging him tightly with her eyes glued shut.

Cole- (sighs) Are you okay honey?

She looked up at him and nodded. But she was still clearly nervous so Cole started talking to her to get her more comfortable.

Cole- What's your name, sweetie?

???- Lizzy.

Cole- Lizzy, that's a beautiful name. I'm Cole and this is my girlfriend Lili.

She smiled and waved at them, but then her stomach started rumbling.

Lili- Are you hungry, sweetie? When's the last time you ate?

Lizzy- (shrugs) Sometime yesterday.

Cole- Yesterday? H-How long have you been in that car?

Lizzy- I fell asleep in the car last night while daddy was driving, when I woke up he was gone and I couldn't get out of the car. (softly)

Lili- You've been in the car all day?

The little girl nodded while looking at the 20 year olds innocently, then Cole looked back down at Lizzy.

Cole- Well, Lizzy, how about we go to In-N-Out Burger across the street and get you something to eat...does that sound okay?

She smiled and nodded while still holding on to him before Lili started talking.

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