The Scene

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Today is the day.

The day Lili and KJ have to film their shower sex scene.

Lili and KJ are great friends but nothing more, the only two that are actually more than friends are Cole and Lili.

They have been together for three almost four years now.

Yes they have had some issues throughout their relationship but they have and always will love each other so much.

But back to the scene.

Lili was only used to doing these kinds of scenes with Cole while KJ was only used to doing them with Camila. But now they had to do it together.

And she was really nervous.

Not because she didn't want to do it with KJ, but because this was the first scene where she had to be almost fully naked.

She was in her trailer putting on her nipple patches and her tan underwear when she heard a knock on her door.

She quickly pulled her robe on and opened the door to see her boyfriend standing there with beautiful flowers.

Lili- Cole, you didn't have to get me these.

Cole- I know, but I wanted to.

He planted a soft kiss on her lips and hugged her tightly before looking back into her gorgeous green eyes.

Cole- Are you feeling any better? I know you were sick again this morning.

Lili- Yeah, I'm a lot better.

Cole- Good, are you ready for your scene?

Lili- (giggles slightly) I wish I was with you.

Cole- I know, me too, then we could actually make the scene real.

Lili- Oh my god, no! Not in front of everyone. (giggles)

Cole- I know Lil's, I'm joking. But are you feeling okay about it?

Lili- Yeah...I'm just nervous that my stomach is going to be too bloated.

Cole- Lil's, you're not bloated, you're carrying our baby, there's going to be a bump.

Lili- I know but no one knows yet...I don't think I'm ready for people to find out.

Cole- (nods) We're gonna have to start telling people soon, you're already 3 months pregnant. Only 6 more until this little bean is out of you.

Lili- (giggles) I love that you're still calling him our little bean.

Cole- Him?

Lili- It's just a feeling.

Cole- (nods) I have to go but you're going to be amazing during the scene, I'll see you after, okay?

Lili nodded and he gave her a kiss before he left.

Then she turned to the mirror and looked at herself.

She placed her hand on her stomach and rubbed over her abdomen lightly before she left to film her scene with KJ.

She reached the set where she was filming and she walked over to where KJ and Roberto were standing.

Roberto- Great, Lili, you're here. So, KJ and I just started talking about this scene but basically what we have decided is that you two are just going to make out and then he'll push you up against the wall before you jump into his arms. It's not going to be long but we'll probably have to film it a few times.

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