It is going to happen for us pt 1

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Ana- Aunt Lili!!

As soon as the little girl saw her aunt standing in the doorway, she bolted towards her and jumped into her arms.

Ana- I missed you so much!

Lili- I missed you so much, sweet girl!

Lili stood up straight and held the five year old in her arms before looking towards her best friend and hugging her tightly.

Ana- Can we go play, can we go play?!?

Cami- Ana, por favor, she just walked in the house.

Ana- Please! (puppy eyes)

Lili- Of course we can go play, my love.

Ana- Yay!

The three of them walked into the living room and immediately Lili got down on the floor to play with her niece.

For a while they stayed on the floor, but as soon as Cami turned on a Disney movie, Ana threw herself onto the couch to watch.

Lili sat down next to the five year old, but she instantly crawled into her lap and curled into her arms.

Cami- (smiles) You're going to be such a great mom one day.

Lili nodded, but instead of a smile being on her face, it was an expression of uncertainty.

Cami- Lili, hey, you are!

Lili- I know I would...I just don't think I have a lot more time.

Cami- What do you mean?

Lili- I'm 38 now, and I don't have a boyfriend. I want to be a mom so bad, but I don't have anyone to do it with me.

Cami- Have you thought about talking to Co-

Lili- I've thought about it too many times.

Cami- Then why don't you try?

Lili- We broke up because things weren't working between us, who's to say they will now.

Cami- Lil's, you two were young when you dated, and you were still figuring out fame. Now would be the perfect time to try something again, or maybe, just have a baby together.

Lili- I can't just ask the man to have a baby with me!

Cami- You can...he would understand.

Lili- Cami, this is crazy-

Cami- It's not! Just try talking to him, maybe you two can work something out.

Lili- (sighs) Maybe.

The three of them spent the rest of the day together, but when Cami's husband Rudy got home, Lili decided to head out.

Cami- Thank you so much for coming over, Ana loves you so much. And so do I.

Lili- I love you both so much too, I'll come visit again soon.

Cami- Hopefully by then you'll have a baby daddy. (smirks)

Lili- Don't push it. (laughs)

Cami- He hasn't moved you know.

Lili- Huh?

Cami- Cole. He still lives in the same house.

Lili- Thanks for the information...I'll see you soon. (laughs)

Cami- Love you!

Lili- Love you too.

Lili left and got in her car to drive home, but she didn't head home...she went to him.

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