Secret Baby pt 2

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The next day, Betty spent all of her time with her family, but once it was finally time for the party, she walked downstairs with Juliet on her hip. Betty was wearing a magenta turtleneck with high waisted jeans while Juliet was wearing a cute little dress with leggings.

Alice- Wow, you two look amazing.

Betty- Thank you, mom. Where are Polly and the twins?

Alice- They had a friend's birthday party to go to, so they can't come to the party but they'll try to stop by at the end.

Betty nodded and looked at Juliet who had her head resting on her shoulder, then Alice spoke again.

Alice- Are you ready to go?

Betty- Honestly, no... (softly)

Alice- It'll be okay, hun, I promise.

Betty- I just don't want him to hate me.

Alice- He won't.

Betty nodded and let out a deep breath before they left their house, then they walked to Pop's. The whole time Juliet was asking questions about everything, being the curious little 6 year old that she is, then as soon as they arrived, they walked in...but everyone was shocked to see Betty with a kid in her arms.

Archie- Woah...Betty...

Veronica- W-When did this happen?

Betty- years ago. (softly)

Jughead- W-What?

Betty turned around and looked Jughead at Jughead...but he was only looking at Juliet, with tears in his eyes.

Then Alice placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder.

Alice- Why don't you two go outside and talk, I'll take her.

Betty nodded and handed her daughter over to her mother, while Jughead was already walking outside.

Betty kissed her daughter on the cheek before slowly approaching Jughead who was leaning against the diner, with his hands behind his head.

Betty- Jughead...

Jughead- Why didn't you tell me? (tears)

Betty- Jug I- (tears)

Jughead- Did you seriously think that not telling me that I had a daughter was the right decision. (tears)

Betty- N-No, I- (tears)

Jughead- Or were you just trying to save her from me? If so that was definitely the right choice because I'm a fucked up alcoholic, right? (tears)

Betty- Jughead, please- (cries softly)

Jughead- No, no, I just didn't want me to be the dad. You wanted Archie. (tears)

Betty- No! I didn't want Archie, I wanted you! I was pregnant before anything happened with Archie but I didn't know until I was four months pregnant and in college. I'm sorry I hurt you and I'm sorry I didn't tell you but it didn't only affect you Jughead. (cries)

Jughead- Betty, if you wanted me, you would have told me that you were having my kid. (tears)

Betty- I was scared, Jughead! (cries)

Jughead- Of what?! (tears)

Betty- Everything! We weren't together anymore and I was pregnant and alone at 18 years old. I didn't tell anyone for the longest time because I didn't want everyone to hate me, but when I almost had a miscarriage, the hospital called my mom. (cries)

Bughead/Sprousehart OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora