Our Daughter

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Betty and Jughead were the "endgame" couple of Riverdale, but when they both went away to college they had just stopped talking.

And it wasn't because they didn't want to talk to each other, they just didn't have time for it.

But then Betty found out she was pregnant.

She was terrified.

She called him many times, but he never answered her.

Now it's been six years.

Betty had moved back to Riverdale when she was five months pregnant because she needed the help and support from her mother, but now she and her daughter, Juliet, live in a small house on the Northside of town.

Early one morning Juliet had run into her mothers room and jumped on top of the bed wanting cuddles.

Betty always smiled when she did that.

Juliet- Hi Mommy.

Betty- Hi my love.

Juliet- Can we get Pops for breakfast?

Betty- Sure, do you want to go now?

Juliet- No. cuddles first.

Betty held her daughter tightly and ran her hand up and down her back, but after a little bit they decided to get dressed and get some breakfast.

The two of them had a nice meal at Pops, but as they were about to leave they heard the bell to the front door ring.

Jughead- B-Betty...

Betty- J-Jug, hi.

Jughead- Hey.

Juliet- Mommy, can we go? I want to play.

Betty- Y-Yeah, we're going.

Pop- Bye Betty! Bye Juliet!

Juliet- Bye bye!

Jughead looked down at the little girl and was in complete shock.

But then Betty walked past him, holding her daughter's hand tightly.

Jughead- Wait! Betty!

He followed them out of the diner but she continued to ignore the man that was trying to speak to her.

Jughead- Betty, stop!

Betty- Go away Jughead!

Jughead- Why are you mad at me?

Betty- I'm not, just leave me alone.

Betty got Juliet in the car and buckled her in but before she could get in the driver's seat, Jughead grabbed her hand.

Betty- Jug, can you please let me go, I need to take my daughter home.

Jughead- I-I get that but...i-is she mine?

She looked at him with a tear in her eye before pulling her hand away and getting in the car.

Then she drove them home.

The rest of the day Betty and Juliet played together, but then it was time for her to go to bed.

Betty had given her a bath and braided her beautiful black hair before tucking her in bed.

Juliet- Mommy, can I ask you a question?

Betty- Yeah, of course babe.

Juliet- Who was that man earlier?

Betty- O-Oh um, he's no one...just an old friend.

She nodded but didn't believe her mother at all.

Bughead/Sprousehart OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon