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Betty was sitting on a park bench in the middle of the night.

She was sobbing.

She had just ruined her friendship with Veronica.

Not because she wanted to, but because the BlackHood made her.

Now the only people she had left were Jughead and Archie.

But then her phone began to ring.

On the phone:

Betty- I did it...but now I want my question. What will make you stop? (sniffles)

BlackHood- You, as long as you continue showing me your devotion.

Betty- I can't keep doing this. (cries)

BlackHood- Sure you can. Jughead. The son of the serpent.

Betty- N-No. (sobs)

BlackHood- He's not worthy of your love. Cut him out of your life, or I will.

Off the phone:

Betty ended the call and placed her phone down. But she continued to sob.

She couldn't break up with the person she loved most, especially since he was one of the only people who still loved her.

~The next day~

Betty hadn't stopped crying that entire night, she didn't know what to do but she knew she couldn't lie to her boyfriend.

So now she was standing outside of his trailer, tears still streaming down her face. But as she was about to knock on the door Jughead opened it, trying to walk out.

Jughead- Betts...babe, why are you crying?

Betty- Juggie, I-I need to talk to you. (cries)

Jughead- Shh, okay okay...

He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, but then the serpents came up to him.

SweetPea- Jughead, it's initiation time.

Betty pulled away and looked at the serpents behind her, then she looked up at her boyfriend.

Betty- Y-You're joining the serpents? (sniffles)

Jughead- Yeah...but they can wait, come inside.

SweetPea- Jones! We're not fucking waiting for you!

Jughead- Well, you need to! My girlfriend is upset and she's more important than anything else, so go.

They scoffed and walked away before Jughead took Betty's hands and brought her inside his trailer.

Then the two of them sat down.

Jughead- What's wrong Betts? (softly)

Betty- I-I don't know w-what to tell you. (cries)

Jughead- Hey, look at me...you can tell me anything. (softly)

Betty- T-The blackhood called me. (cries quietly)

Jughead- W-What?!

Betty- He told me to cut you out of my life or he will. B-But I c-can't. (cries)

Betty fell into his arms, crying, while Jughead just held her. But he was also in shock.

Betty- I'm s-scared, I don't know what to d-do. (cries)

Jughead- Shh, don't cry, we'll figure it out.

Betty- B-But I don't want him to h-hurt you. (cries)

Jughead- He won't...

Betty- How do you know that? (cries)

Jughead- (sighs) I don't, b-but maybe we should just stay away from each other for a little while. (softly)

Betty nodded and pulled away from her boyfriend, then he wiped her tears away.

Betty- I don't want to lose you. (sniffles)

Jughead- You can never lose me, we just need to do this until we know it's safe.

Betty nodded once again before hugging him tightly, then they kissed passionately.

Betty- I s-should probably go. (tears)

Jughead- (nods) Don't cry baby girl, you know I love you so much. We just need to be safe.

Betty- (nods) I love you so much too. C-Can I kiss you one more time?

Jughead- Always baby.

The two of them stood up and kissed each other lovingly, but then Betty left...and they both had to lie and say they were broken up.


Weeks went by and they couldn't see or talk to each other but now that the BlackHood was MIA, they decided to finally see each other...they couldn't wait any longer.

Betty was sitting in their booth at pops, waiting for her boyfriend to walk through the door.

She was nervous because they had barely talked, so she didn't want things to be different...but she was also excited to finally see him and kiss him again.

Jughead- Betty Cooper, you are a sight for sore eyes. (smiles)

Betty- Juggie!

She quickly got up and ran to him before kissing him passionately on the lips, then they sat down across from each other without letting go of the others hands.

Jughead- God I've missed you.

Betty- I've missed you more.

Then they were silent.

Betty was holding his hand tightly, beginning to tear up, but then what he said next caught her slightly off guard.

Jughead- I wish we could just go. Just hop on my motorcycle and just leave Riverdale. And go someplace where there's no Northside or Southside, no serpents, or ghoulies.

Betty- No crazy moms, no BlackHoods...like Romeo and Juliet but we live happily ever after instead. (tears)

Then the tears in her eyes began to roll down her cheeks. And the only thing he could think to say was...

Jughead- Why don't we do it? (softly)

Betty- W-What? (tears)

Jughead- Let's go, let's leave. We don't tell anyone...we just go, together. (softly)

Betty- Are you serious? (softly)

Jughead- Yeah, we should go, tonight. We'll meet here. I'll bring all the money that I have but we can't take much. Do you want to?

Betty nodded and then they left.

They both packed a small bag with some money and very few things, then they arrived at pops to have one last meal before they were gone forever.

But as they reached Greendale, just on the other side of Sweetwater River, they both looked over at the town they thought they knew.

Jughead- Are you still sure about this?

Betty- Y-Yes, I don't want to go back. I just want to leave with you.

He nodded and they got back on his motorcycle, and they never went back, they never even looked back.

They just disappeared and left all of the darkness behind them.

Bughead/Sprousehart OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя