🎃One-Shot//CHRISTMAS SPECIAL//Ava's Christmas🎃

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It was the time of month where it happens only once a year. Yes.. Christmas. People may think it's a beautiful holiday but not most people agreed of Christmas being a beautiful holiday in fact there is some people in the world who finds Christmas boring or very childish.

Well meet Ava Suns, leader of the Sunsets. Ava has always been a daring orange-haired, feisty girl but there was this one thing she was always bitter... Christmas. In fact she did love Christmas dearly but that however was two years go, the month her dad died in a fire.. (and no... hackers weren't the one who killed her dad) causing her mom to become distant with her and only concentrate on her work.

"Hey Ava" Elise said, getting Ava's attention, she had a big smile on her face "yes Elise?" Ava asked, sounding quite unhappy, she had a frown on her face, she was packing to leave school "our class are making Christmas stocking and are colouring. Wanna join?" Elise asked, still smiling "that's a nice offer but I have to decline" Ava replied before walking out of class and heading outside, snow was covering the grounds and it even came falling down, she saw bunch of children leaving with their families, she sighed as she saw the children time with their parents, she sighed as she remembered her mother and father hugging her underneath the Christmas tree. 

Ava walked out of school, she ended up in the park, she walked over to the bench and sat down, she rubbed her hands as she saw how numb they looked "Ugh.." Ava muttered, unhappily. "Ava?" a male voice said behind her, getting her attention, she turned to se Jayden staring at her "Jayden..?" Ava asked, Jayden walked over to Ava and sat next to her "are you okay, Ava?" Jayden asked in concern "I'm okay.. I just don't have my gloves" Ava replied, Jayden stared at Ava then stared at his glove he took them off then passed it to Ava "your giving me your gloves..?" Ava asked, looking kinda surprised "yes. That's what Christmas is all about. Being there for your families" Jayden said with a smile. Ava felt her cheeks rosy, maybe she was wrong finding Christmas bad luck.


Spy Ninjas/Adventures/Starshines/Family/Love/PZ One-Shots, images, etc (Book 3)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat