🟡One-Shot #9//Rose kidnaps CJ and Haidyn(REQUESTED)🟡

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Thank you Haidyn_Adventure for your request :3

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Thank you Haidyn_Adventure for your request :3

"Look at my little angels~" Rose whispered from behind the bush. CJ and Haidyn were walking at the park, chatting to each other about stuff then Rose appeared in front of them "w-who are you..?!" CJ asked "Rosalie but you can call me Rose but I'm also known in project zorgo as PZ67!" Rose happily but sinisterly announced "of course we have to run into a PZ member-" -_- Haidyn said, annoyed "don't be so salt darling~" Rose seductively said to Haidyn, winking at her "I'm not letting you put your dirty hands on mah child!" >:( CJ exclaimed "I love your over-protectiveness precious~" Rose giggled, CJ let go off Haidyn, looking quite startled at Rose's reply "sooooo.. you like both of us?!" CJ exclaimed "Yep!" Rose sinisterly exclaimed before throwing a fog bomb at both CJ and Haidyn.

"Good work my little niece" a male and sinister voice said, Rose looked behind to see PZ66(Alastor) smiling, sinisterly, she sinisterly smiled at him "thank you, uncle. Butttttt.. I need help with these two" Rose said, PZ666(Alastor) just sinisterly laughed before picking up CJ, Rose scooped Haidyn in her arms.


Luke and Wayne looked incredible concerned, they were both biting their nails, worrying about something, Leo and Aidan noticed this and shared worried and concerned looks with each other then they turned to Luke and Wayne "what's wrong you two?" Leo was the first one to ask them "CJ and Haidyn hasn't came back and it's been 30 minutes" Wayne replied in a worried voice-tone "I'm sure they're fine" Aidan said with a smile "I bet it was those hackers who captured them" -_- Luke spoke, sounding very unhappy, Leo, Wayne and Aidan all had a look of unhappiness at Luke's response.

Their phones started buzzing, they all picked up their phones and dialed to see Rose calling them "UHH-.. ROSE?!" Leo yelled, shocked but also confused on why she called them "hello b^tches" -_- Rose greeted them in an unhappy voice-tone "f^ck off Rose! If your not happy to see us then don't call us!" -_- Aidan said, annoyed "well looks like you guys are not interested that I kidnapped your girls" 😌 Rose said, calmly but sinisterly "WHAT?!" the boys yelled, shocked "show us where my sister and Haidyn are!!" Luke yelled, angrily, protective instincts coming in, Rose just sinisterly giggled before the screen shifts to Haidyn and CJ tied in belts on chairs, duct tape over their mouths, they were both muffling and sobbing too then the screen shifts back to Rose "let. Them. Go!" Wayne said, darkly "uhhhhh.. no" -_- Rose replied before turning off the screen.

"We need to rescue them from that punk!" Leo yelled "well let's go! I don't want my sister and Haidyn to be stuck there with that simp" -_- Luke said, annoyed.


After turning her screen off she walked up to CJ and peeled the tape from her mouth "your a monster" CJ exclaimed whispered, tears streaming down "oh I get that a lot" Rose said, sinisterly then she came over to Haidyn and peeled the tape from her mouth "ouch.." Haidyn whispered, tears streaming down "did I hurt you, darling~?" Rose asked Haidyn with a sinister smile "get away from us!" CJ exclaimed, kicking her legs "alright.. I need tape for this one. I will get my uncle" Rose said in a serious voice-tone before leaving the room.

"Ceej.." Haidyn whispered "yes Haid?" CJ asked, looking over at her "I'm scared!" Haidyn bursted into sobs "I will protect you my child.." CJ gently said to her, managing a sad smile, tears streaming down.


Luke, Leo, Wayne and Aidan all arrived in front of the headquarters, they looked pretty pissed of what Rose had done. "Luke? Wayne? Leo? Aidan?" a female voice said from behind them, the boys turned to see Dilara in her PZ uniform just staring at them "what do you want Dilara? Are you here to kidnap us?" Wayne asked, giving a frown with his eye-brow up "why would I kidnap you guys? I basically have to follow my brother's commands and orders" -_- Dilara replied, giving a frown "seems like you two hate each other" 0-0 Luke said "I wouldn't say hate is the right word" Wayne spoke "okay-..? But we need to save Haidyn and CJ. PZ67 has captured them!" Leo exclaimed "THE GIRL WHO HATES MY GUTS!" Dilara yelled "what-?" 0_0 Aidan said, cringed-out "Ugh- we need to save my best friend and CJ" Dilara said before running in the headquarters, Luke ran behind and so did Aidan "come on Wayne!" Leo exclaimed before running off "right behind you.." Wayne muttered before running in and entering the HQ.

The kids ran inside, checking every door, to find CJ and Haidyn "CJ! Haidyn!" Luke yelled, running inside the headquarters "you should probably keep your voice down. The PZ members could hear you" Dilara told him "oops-" 0.0 Luke said, when they heard light sobs and cries they checked one of the rooms of where the sobs came from, they opened to see Haidyn and CJ tied up in belts "Ceej! Haid!" Aidan yelled, running up to them and untying them "thank goodness you guys are here!" Haidyn yelled, having a relieved smile, hugging Aidan, Aidan hugged back, Leo came up to them and scooped Haidyn in his arms then Aidan came over to CJ and scooped her in his arms, CJ and Haidyn had their arms around Aidan and Leo's necks "you better be careful with my cousin.." Wayne growled at Aidan "I will, don't worry" -_- Aidan replied.

They ran out of the headquarters and went inside the safe house.


You honestly thought this was the end? There's more :3

Rose and PZ666(Alastor) walked down the PZ halls to go to CJ and Haidyn's room "hey girls!" Rose cheerfully but sinisterly greeted "uhhhhhh.. Rosie.." PZ666(Alastor) said "yes uncle?" Rose asked, looking at her uncle "that little Angel face and that b^tch Haidyn aren't here.." -_-💧PZ666(Alastor) said, awkwardly "I- what-..?!" Rose yelled, shocked before checking their spots of where they were before, Rose then screamed in anger "FUCK YOU AIDAN, LEO, LUKE AND WAYNE!" Rose yelled, angrily, her face heated in rage.


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