😳One-Shot pt.2//The Music Club members😳

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"LET US GO YOU DAMN HACKER!" Levi furiously yelled, he, Julian and Luka just woke up and saw themselves tied up with rope around them, they were sitting on the ground "we ain't letting you b^tches go" -_- PZ101 said to them "exactly!" -_- PZ740 exclaimed "you two are very annoying you know that-" -_-💧 Luka said, annoyed "I agree" -_- Julian proceeded to speak "me agree as well" 😌 Levi spoke up "PZ740.. get the tape" PZ101 said to PZ740, PZ740 grabbed some duct tape and placed it over the boys mouths "and for your information kids, we find you three annoying too" PZ101 told them, sinisterly, the boys just grumbled and muffled, annoyed.

"LET ME GO YOU STUPID ROBOT!" a female voice furiously yelled "LILLIANA!" Luka, Levi and Julian muffled, the door burst in to reveal Nora, Harmony and Lilliana being grabbed by The Music Freaks robots "shut up and sit down!" Zander 2.0 yelled, harshly, pushing Lilliana to the ground, the other robots did. The hackers and robot all left the room.


"I CAN'T JUST LEAVE MY BEST FRIEND AND OTHER FRIENDS WITH THOSE PSYCHOS!" Milly furiously yelled, she and the rest of the club were in the music room "Milly-" Luke said, gently with sympathy in his eyes "THEY GOT NORA! AND NOT ONLY HER! THEY GOT MY OTHER FRIENDS! I DON'T CARE ABOUT MY REPUTATION OR IF I'M GONNA GET EXPELLED OR SUSPENDED I'M SAVING MY FRIENDS!" Milly yelled "indeed you are" a male, calm but deep-pitch voice said at the doorway.

The Music Club members saw a man, older then them, he wore a black and golden mask, a black hoodie over his head, a pair of black boots, he held a silver bow-staff, he had a black long jacket.

"Who are you..?" Hailey asked in concern.


A/N: Oops, another cliffhanger -w-💧. But guess below the comment section who that person is that The Music Freaks are gonna meet.

Spy Ninjas/Adventures/Starshines/Family/Love/PZ One-Shots, images, etc (Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora