🧡One-Shot #1 pt.2//Haidyn saved :D🧡

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"Let go of me!" Haidyn yelled "no you brat!" PZ549(Rebecca) yelled, annoyed before Haidyn was gonna yelled, PZ534(Samuel) out some duct tape over her mouth "now we don't have to hear your voice anymore" >:) PZ534(Samuel) said, sinisterly, Haidyn just muffled that non of the hackers could understand "that's a shame because I really want to hear her lovely voice" ;) PZ290(Michael) said, winking with a smile "Michael your so weird af" -_- PZ493(Lulu) said "I get that a lot Lu" PZ290(Michael) said, sinisterly.

The PZ leader entered the room "fine job you did PZ member" the leader told them in the same robotic voice "really..? I don't know if you sound proud.. because, I can't really understand-" PZ801(Juleka) said, confused only to be interrupted by PZ493(Lulu), PZ534(Samuel), PZ342(Tyler), PZ97(Christina) and PZ90(Benjamin) "he's proud" they all said at the same time "I-.. um-.. okay then..?" PZ797(Michelle) said, awkwardly "PZ97 will you please look after Haidyn Adventure" the leader told her "y-yes leader!" PZ97(Christina) exclaimed, nervously, all the hackers(except Christina) started leaving "bye bye Haidyn" PZ403(Ruby) said, winking sinisterly, waving her a 'goodbye', heading out the door.

After all the hackers left, PZ97(Christina) walked up to Haidyn, she kneeled in front of her and gently took the duct tape from her mouth "s-stay away from me..!" Haidyn yelled, tears filling her eyes, taking few steps back "don't worry, I won't hurt you" PZ97(Christina) gentle voice told her "what-?" Haidyn whispered, confused. Then someone else walked in "Chris? Haidyn?" a female voice asked from behind, they turned to see Dilara standing there at the doorway before running up to them "the hackers captured you again. Haven't they?" -_- Dilara asked Haidyn "Yep" -_- Haidyn replied then Dilara turned to PZ97(Christina) "thank you for taking care of her Chrissie" :3 Dilara said, smiling at her "well-" PZ97(Christina) said only to be cut off by a voice behind the trio.

"LET HER GO!" a male voice yelled they all turned to see the teen targets "LET GO OF THE DAMN CHILD!" >:( Lilliana yelled, PZ97(Christina) quickly got up by the yelling she received from Lilliana, Lilliana ran up to PZ97(Christina) holding a bat in her hands when she was gonna hit PZ97(Christina) but it was only to be stopped by two people "Lilliana no!" a familiar female voice yelled "Sophie?! Slate?! Zelda?!" PZ97(Christina) yelled, shocked and happy "hey Chris" Sophie said, smiling at her, holding the bat, tightly "why didn't you let me at her!" >:( Lilliana whined "because she's a friend!" Slate yelled "wha-?" Kiran said, confused meanwhile Dilara untied Haidyn "but she's a PZ member-" Kyle said, awkwardly "Yep. But did you forget that we were PZ members before?" Slate asked them "oh yeah! Now I remember" Jason exclaimed in realisation "but you guys aren't PZ members anymore. Why does that matter?" Crystal asked them, confused before Slate or Sophie was gonna speak the loud voice came from the intercom "attention PZ members. Youtubers in the building. Find them immediately" the robotic voice said "OH S^IT-" most of the teenagers yelled "there's children here you guys" -.- Lydia said.

"Well I can get you guys out" Dilara said "but.. how can we be so sure if we can trust you?" Harmony asked, arm-crossed, giving a suspicious face "we can trust her. She's my best friend" Haidyn said "don't worry you guys. Dilara has earned our trust" Jason said, smiling "at least few of you here can trust me" Dilara whispered "okay, just lead us the way out" Lydia spoke, Dilara nodded before she and the rest got out the room. They kept running in the headquarters and was led out the back door "thank you DD" :3 Haidyn said, hugging her "no problem bestie" :3 Dilara replied, hugging back "AWWWWWE, FRIENDSHIP!" Lilliana happily squealed "Lilliana.. please.." -_- Luka said, cringed-out.

The teenagers and Haidyn ran out of the headquarters, the teenagers ran to their homes while Lydia, Jason and Haidyn ran back to the safe house.


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