Just Somethin #35//Updated PZ101

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Full Name: VivianPZ Code-Name: PZ101Age: 27Gender: Female/GirlSexuality: ??Species: Human

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Full Name: Vivian
PZ Code-Name: PZ101
Age: 27
Gender: Female/Girl
Sexuality: ??
Species: Human

•Can be sinister(even with/towards PZ members at times)
•Joined Project Zorgo in late 2018.
•Sometimes decent.
•Serious(at times).
•Very good friends with bunch of the female members in PZ.
•Can be mean towards the PZ targets(and some of the PZ members)
•Bunch of the male hackers have a crush on her.
•While some are afraid of her.
•Hates that the PZ perverts are always perverted with CJ and/or Haidyn.
•Doesn't have the best trust in males/men.
•Kinda dislike The Spy Ninjas.
•Hates being pulled away from a fight.
•Can be loyal to Project Zorgo.
•One of the best hackers in Project Zorgo.
•Good at fighting.

Spy Ninjas/Adventures/Starshines/Family/Love/PZ One-Shots, images, etc (Book 3)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum