🧑🏻‍🔧One-Shot//Evan reunites🧑🏻‍🔧

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The 5A class all entered the class, they got to their seats and started unpacking "alright class. We have a new student today" the teacher told the class with a bright smile on their faces "wonder who it is" Jayden whispered "hello everyone my name is Evan Harper. I hope we can be friends" they boy said with a kind smile plastered onto his face "EVAN!" both Jayden and CJ yelled, happily, excitement and happiness shimmering in their eyes they both run up to Evan and hugged him.

"How are things doing BFF!" :3 CJ asked "everything's been alright" :3 Evan replied "I see you three know each other already" the teacher said, smiling "Yep" :3 Jayden exclaimed, the trio went to their seats for lesson time.


At break time, the group of youtubers got huddled up "I see you came back Evan" :3 Haidyn said to Evan "Yep. I heard all of you guys deal with Project Zorgo" Evan said to the others with a smile "I'm guessing you watch us on YouTube" Jace asked "Yep and not to mention I deal with Project Zorgo as well" Evan said with a smirk "yas! another member in our team!" :3 Sydney exclaimed in excitement, Evan smiled at Sydney's excitement.


Spy Ninjas/Adventures/Starshines/Family/Love/PZ One-Shots, images, etc (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now