❤️One-Shot #1 pt.1//PZ teenagers kidnaps Haidyn❤️

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"PZ members I need you to kidnap a special someone for me" the leader told the PZ teenagers causing excitement from most of them with the exception of PZ493(Lulu) who hardly looked interested at all and PZ637(Lisa) "but this one is not one of our teen targets" the leader said, driving around in small circles, some of the teens had confused faces on meanwhile PZ515(Trevor) had a sinister smile "I want you guys to go kidnap Haidyn Adventure" the leader told them causing cheers and yells of confusion "b-but leader-!" PZ329(Ryker) yelled "do we seriously have to do this?! She is just so cringe!" PZ678(Payton) yelled in disgust "HECK YEAH!" PZ515(Trevor) and PZ90(Benjamin) yelled, happily causing cringed-out stares direct at them "what?" -.- PZ90(Benjamin) said "just do this mission or face the consequences" the leader said, darkly causing the PZ teenagers to flinch at the leader's sudden change of emotion.

"Ugh, let's just kidnap that little brat" -_- PZ549(Rebecca) said, annoyed "I'm glad we get to kidnap that cute little toy" PZ290(Michael) said, sinisterly "I still don't get why you call her toy-" PZ637(Lisa) said, confused "because she's really cute" PZ290(Michael) said with a sinister smile on his face "pervert" -_- PZ801(Juleka) said, walking passed him "well f^ck you then!" -_- PZ290(Michael) yelled. The teenagers all got out of the headquarters and went at the park "look!" PZ403(Ruby) yelled, pointing somewhere, everyone turned around to see Haidyn leaned against a tree "let's go behind few trees so she won't see us" PZ97(Christina) said, there was a hint of regret in her vocal-cord, meaning that she didn't want to do any harm but was forced anyway.

The teenagers quickly hid behind few trees "I'm guessing she's attends our younger siblings school-?" -_- PZ534(Samuel) said "yes. Yes, she does" PZ493(Lulu) replied, calmly "so what's the plan?" PZ329(Ryker) asked them silence came around "NO ONE CAME UP WITH A PLAN?!?!?!" PZ656(Cameron) yelled causing PZ547(Taylor) and PZ262(Amelia) quickly covering his mouth "you idiot! She can hear us now!" PZ549(Rebecca) exclaimed, harshly "way to go!" -_- PZ90(Benjamin) exclaimed, annoyed them the girls hands uncovered "well jeez your welcome!" PZ656(Cameron) exclaimed, irritated. "H-Hello.. is someone there?" Haidyn asked, walking up to them. "Crap!" PZ808(Brianna) yelled then sighed "we're gonna have to jump in front of her and kidnap her-" PZ808(Brianna) said.

Some of the PZ teenagers jumps in front of Haidyn "hello Haidyn Adventure" PZ342(Tyler) greeted her, sinisterly, Haidyn toon few steps back, having a traumatised face plastered when she turn and was about to run the other PZ teenagers blocked her way "no where to run now?" PZ808(Brianna) asked, sinisterly then jumped on and grabbed her zip ties and tied her up, PZ290(Michael) came up to Haidyn and carried her "LET ME GO-" Haidyn yelled but only for duct tape to cover her mouth "you better shut up!" PZ549(Rebecca) harshly yelled. The PZ teenagers walked off, PZ97(Christina) was behind the group, she looked up and noticed Haidyn silently crying, tears streaming down "I'm sorry" she mouthed, silently.


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