🅰️One-Shot #21 pt.2//Saving CJ and Haidyn/Haidyn captured by Jade🅰️

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Chad was walking in the living room, non-stop, looking really nervous "are you okay uncle Chad?" Wyatt asked him, gently and sounding quite shy "hey guys" Regina proceeded to speak, getting the spy ninjas attention "did you all notice that CJ dropped some stuff here?" -_- Regina asked them, Vy came running in and picking up a pen "I-I believe not.." 0-0 Vy said, shocked "it's been past 40 minutes and there is a possible chance that they are captured by PZ" Daniel said, everyone nodded in agreement before running out of the safe house.


The girls were tied up in together, they were both in the abandoned train station "let us go!" CJ yelled, tears streaming down "no" -_- PZ16 told her, CJ was gonna start screaming but only for PZ16 to tape her mouth shut "now we don't have to hear those annoying and bitchy screams of your's" >;) PZ16 sinisterly told CJ in a hostile way "that's a shame. I really wanted to hear her cute little screams" ;) PZ740 said, creepily, Haidyn and CJ were silently weeping of being here.


"Look!" Daniel exclaimed, pointing to something before running up to it "isn't this Haidyn's hair clip?" Daniel asked the spy ninjas "it is.." Regina said, eye-widening in surprise "so they could've went that way!" Chad exclaimed, pointing to the direction where Haidyn and CJ were taken.


"I think it's best that we should split them up" PZ740 sinisterly said "what..? NO!" Haidyn yelled, CJ quickly untied herself with her pocket knife, then ripped the duct tape from her mouth and did the same thing to Haidyn, untying Haidyn with her pocket knife "no!" CJ yelled, her arms around Haidyn, they were both started tearing up, PZ666 grabbed CJ by her waist, PZ645 and PZ16 grabbed Haidyn by her wrists "CEEJ!" Haidyn yelled, sobbing by now, CJ silently said "sorry", tears streaming down.

"Don't worry,. You'll get to see her soon" PZ894 said, sinisterly to CJ "you guys are monsters.." CJ whispered, lightly sobbing "oh we get that" PZ412 told her, sinisterly.


The Spy Ninjas ended up at an abandoned train station place "do you think that they are there..?" Daniel asked his friends "well I found CJ's bow, so she and Haidyn should be here" Vy said, showing the spy ninjas CJ's bow then she heard loud cries from inside the train station "CJ!" The Spy Ninjas yelled. They ran in to see the PZ Perverts helding CJ, tightly "GET AWAY FROM MY NIECE!" Vy yelled, furiously, running in and kicking PZ666 in the stomach. "Hey Chad~" PZ192 greeted Chad in his usual seductive voice "f^ck no-" Chad said before kicking PZ192 "WHERE'S HAIDYN?!" Vy furiously yelled at the PZ perverts "uhhhh.. I don't know.. they don't really tell me where we put our targets.." 0-0 PZ220 said, Vy sighed, annoyed before she and the rest of the spy ninjas ran around the train station, searching for Haidyn.


Haidyn was sitting on one of the train seats, all tied up, forced to listen to PZ16 and PZ645's comments on how adorable and cute she looked "what's wrong sweetie? You don't like our comments?" ;) PZ16 asked her, sinisterly, Haidyn sat there, silently, tears streaming down "don't worry, baby girl. You will get to see your little friends and family" :) PZ666 sinisterly told Haidyn, Haidyn by now was silently crying but a kick went through PZ645 causing him to drop down forwards onto the ground "WHAT THE-?!" PZ16 yelled, disturbed "let her go, PZ16!" a male and robotic yelled furiously yelled "SNR?!" they both yelled, Haidyn sounded shocked but relieved that he was hear while PZ16 sounded furious "get away from her!" SNR yelled at PZ16 "...no.." -_- PZ16 calmly said "alright then" SNR said before going up to PZ16 and kicking her in the stomach causing her to fly backwards, SNR used his heat vision to burn the ropes from Haidyn, Haidyn jumped down from her seat and hugged SNR "thank you!" Haidyn exclaimed, tears streaming down in relief, SNR smiled and hugged Haidyn.

"HAIDYN ARE YOU OKAY-?!" Daniel yelled, concerned and worried, rushing in but only to see SNR and Haidyn "hey master!" :3 SNR happily greeted him "looks like you made it to save Haidyn" :3 Daniel said "you called SNR here?" Regina asked Daniel "yes, I feel like we might use his help" Daniel replied to Regina, smiling "YAY! YOUR HERE!" CJ happily exclaimed, running up and hugging SNR who hugged her back, smiling "anything for my friends, Ceej" SNR said, smiling, the spy ninjas, SNR, CJ and Haidyn all was gonna walk out but only for PZ16 to block their way "WHAT THE-?! I THOUGHT I JUST MADE YOU FAINT!!" SNR yelled "you really thought one little kick was gonna make me faint? ARE YOU DAMN SERIOUS?!" PZ16 yelled, cringed-out but then giggled, sinisterly "either you give me Haidyn or you will all die in this hellhole" PZ16 threatened "no!" CJ yelled, her arms around Haidyn.

"Suit yourself" PZ16 sinisterly smiled, fog coming in, PZ16 grabbed Haidyn by her wrist and running off.


(Damn, looks like this one-shot is gonna get another part 0-0)

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