4️⃣One-Shot//PZ439 kidnaps Leo(REQUESTED)4️⃣

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Thank you for your request Haidyn_Adventure :3

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Thank you for your request Haidyn_Adventure :3


"Please help me with kidnapping mah love's 🥺 PZ439(William) begged to his older sister "no" -_- PZ238(Evelyn) said, uninterested "THEN I WILL KIDNAP MAH LOVE!" >:3 PZ439(William) exclaimed, he ran out of the room. "Oh gawd-" -_- PZ238(Evelyn) said.


PZ439(William) jumped out of Leo's bedroom window "look how cute my baby orange looks~" ;) PZ439(William) said, staring at Leo, who is asleep on his bed, looking peacefully, he walked over to Leo and fed him some drugs then scooped Leo in his arms "let's go mah husband!" >:3 PZ439(William) exclaimed, sinisterly then ran out of the room.


Leo began waking up, he felt little tears of tiredness, as he fully woken up, he saw that he was tied onto a chair, he eye-widen, looking around that he was in a bedroom in the PZ headquarters "oh great-.. I got kidnapped.. haven't I..?" -_- Leo said "that's right mah baby orange" PZ439(William) said sinisterly, coming into the room "NOT YOU!" T_T Leo yelled, sounding very unhappy "that's right my dear~" PZ439(William) said in a flirty voice, stroking Leo's hair 'help Meh..' :,( Leo thought to himself.

The door bust down to reveal an angry Haidyn, she was screaming in rage "hello Haidyn Adventure" >:) PZ439(William) sinisterly greeted her, Haidyn was silent for a moment then got Mr. Knifu out "remember Mr. Knifu?" >:3 Haidyn said to PZ439(William) "OH S^IT!" 0_0💧 PZ439(William) yelled before running off then Haidyn walked up to Leo and untied him.

"Th-Thanks Haidyn.." •///• Leo said, his face becoming red "no problem, Leo" :3 Haidyn said. They both ran out of the headquarters then ran back to their homes so they can sleep 😌.

Moral of the story:



Spy Ninjas/Adventures/Starshines/Family/Love/PZ One-Shots, images, etc (Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora