🤯One-Shot//PZ teens making Regina and Daniel suffer🤯

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One-shot inspired by Haidyn_Adventure. Where PZ800 and PZD makes the Spy Ninjas suffer. :3

"How the hell did we let a bunch of kids kidnap us-?" Regina asked "I-I don't know.." 0.0 Daniel said "for your information, I ain't no child" -_- PZ342(Tyler) said to them "yeah you stay up there" -_- Regina said "are you ready PZ1 and PZ4?" PZ329(Ryker) asked them with a sinister smile "no-" both Regina and Daniel said only to be cut off by PZ549(Rebecca) "I will take that as a yes" 😌 PZ549(Rebecca) interrupted "UGH-" Daniel and Regina yelled in frustration "oh don't worry you two. You two will get out of here soon" PZ547(Taylor) told them, sinisterly "your here for questioning" PZ403(Ruby) said with a sinister smile "well get in with your stinking questions!" -_- Daniel exclaimed, annoyed.

"Does Daniel loves PZ127?" PZ797(Michelle) said, holding a sheet then looked at Daniel "what the f-..?! NO! She's literally creepy!" -_-💢 Daniel yelled, beginning to get more irritated "I can't disagree" -.- PZ329(Ryker) said "What do you think of PZ894.. Regina..?" PZ801(Juleka) asked her "I hate him.." -_- Regina replied, sounding very unhappy "o-okay then.." 0.0 PZ801(Juleka) whispered "now time for the serious questions" :) PZ534(Samuel) proceeded to speak "THOSE WEREN'T THE SERIOUS QUESTIONS!" 0_0 Regina yelled, shocked "of course not!" -_- PZ547(Taylor) exclaimed, annoyed "who's Chad's wife?" PZ297(Alice) asked "it's Vy-" Regina said but was interrupted "IT'S DANIEL!" -w- PZ549(Rebecca) yelled "I-I'M NOT GAY-" 0-0💢 Daniel yelled "shut it Danny-Boy!" 😌 PZ547(Taylor) exclaimed.

"Do you two like each other?????" 😏 PZ290(Michael) asked them, sinisterly smirking "of course! We're friends after all. The Spy Ninjas like each other" Daniel told them causing groans from the teen hackers "no you idiots! He means romantic love!" -_- PZ764(Wade) exclaimed "WHAT-?!" 0-0 both Regina and Daniel yelled.

"What do you think about Regina? Do you think she's cute?" PZ808(Brianna) asked Daniel, having a wicked smile on her face "I-.. well-.. she is kinda cute.." Daniel muttered, his cheeks becoming kinda rosy, Regina blushed at what Daniel said "YOUR DAMN BLUSHING!" PZ183(Issac) yelled "I'M NOT!" -///-💢 Daniel yelled, annoyed "you know what? All of you have baby faces" -_- Regina told the PZ teens "don't say that about mah handsome baby face" :,( PZ656(Cameron) said "we're only 14-17 years old, PZ4" -_- PZ329(Ryker) said "don't call her PZ4!" Daniel said, angrily "ooooooh.. someone has the crushies" >:3 PZ403(Ruby) said, sinisterly smiling "shut up" -///- both Regina and Daniel said.

"Okay-.. I ran out of questions.." -_- PZ183(Issac) said "same" bunch of the PZ teenagers said "now can you let us out" Daniel asked "no" :) PZ506(Angelica) replied.

Daniel and Regina's facial expressions->T_T


Spy Ninjas/Adventures/Starshines/Family/Love/PZ One-Shots, images, etc (Book 3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن