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"Master... ? You're not the boss around here? That's not funny!" Bakugo says.

"Kurogiri, Compress, make them go to sleep again." Shigaraki orders.

"I can't believe they're such bad listeners. I'm almost impressed." Says Mr Compress as he walks toward us.

"If you want me to listen to you, then get on your knees and die!" Bakugo says, Mr. Compress lifts his hand up. Think, what can I do? The damn warp gate will get in the way of any attacks, and I can't teleport or bend time when he's around... Suddenly Theirs a knock at the door.

"Hello, this is Pizza-La, Camino store." Says the person at the door, everything is silent for a few seconds. I grab Bakugo and pull him away from the door.

"What the he-" Bakugo screams but is cut off by the wall he was just standing by being destroyed.

"Smash!" All Might shouts.

"What the--" Spinner says.

"Kurogiri! Gate!" Shigaraki shouts. Before Kurogiri can warp them away, a guy jumps through and binds everyone with wood, probably part of his Quirk. Dabi does to burn the wood, but Gran Torino kicks him in the face, Dabi falls unconscious.

"You can't run anymore, League of Villains! Why? Because we are here!" All Might says, a guy slips out from behind the door and opens it showing loads of armed police. "I'm sure you were scared... You did good bearing it. I'm sorry. It's fine now, you two!

"I wasn't scared!" Bakugo and I shout at the same time, we look at each other dumbfounded. Jez, this guy is rubbing off on me. All Might gives us the thumbs up.

"Kurogiri, bring as many as you can over!" Shigaraki yells.

"Nomu, I presume?" All Might says.

"What's the matter, Kurogiri?" Shigaraki questions.

"I'm sorry, Tomura Shigaraki. The Nomus that were supposed to be in a fixed location... are not there...!" Kurogiri says.

"You are still green, Shigaraki!" All Might says, he puts his hands on Bakugo and my shoulder. "League of Villains, you underestimated everything too much-- The souls of these two young men-- The diligent investigations of the police-- And-- Our anger! That's enough with the childish pranks. This is the end. Tomura Shigaraki!" All Might says, although everything feels safe, I've learnt to never trust it, so I keep my guard up.

"The end, you say? Don't be ridiculous. I've only just begun." Shigaraki whispers as he gets up. "Justice... peace... I'll destroy this garbage heap that you put a lid on with such vague ideas! It was for that purpose that I set All Might apart, and I started gathering people to my cause... Don't be ridiculous. This is the beginning... Kurogiri!" Shigaraki shouts again, but the ninja guy sends this red string through Kurogiri, and he falls unconscious. The heroes begin to ask where Shigaraki's master is.

"I hate you!" Shigaraki yells, as he does, black slime stuff appears on either side of him, Nomu begins to emerge from it. Suddenly the weird slime stuff comes out of my mouth, it begins to engulf me.

"All Migh-" My words are cut off by everything going black for a few seconds. After a few seconds, my sight is returned, but I'm in a different place. I look up to see a guy in a mask, Bakugo is standing next to me.

"Sorry, Sans, Bakugo." The man says, suddenly the slime stuff appears again, the League of Villains emerges from it.

"Master..." Shigaraki mutters.

"You failed again, huh, Tomura? But do not be discouraged. Just try again. I have brought your associates back as well. Even the children. Because you judged that they were important pieces. Do it over as many times as you need to. That is why I am here. It's all for you." The guy says, extending his hand toward Shigaraki.

"You're here, after all, aren't you...?" The guy says and turns, All Might fly's toward him, but the villain catches All Might's fists.

"I'll have you return everything, All For One!" All Might yells.

"Will you kill me again, All Might?" AFO says back the wind blows everyone backward, Bakugo and I land about ten meters apart. All Might and All For One begin to fight, but it's easy to see All Might is holding back, so Bakugo and I don't get hurt. AFO's fingers turn a weird dark colour with red, they extend and go right into Kurogiri's back, ouch. Kurogiri's Quirk activates, and a large warp gate appears forced Quirk activation? All Might and All For One continue to fight, all the villains turn to Bakugo and I.

"What a pain..."Bakugo mutters.

"bakugo, we have to get away. at the moment, we are in the way of All might--" I say.

"I know, Gaster bastard!" Bakugo yells. We aren't allowed to cause proper damage, so we have to dodge and evade, good thing I'm a professional at dodging. Think, think, where's an opening? There has to be one! Suddenly I hear a crashing sound and see Kirishima, Izuku and Iida running up an ice pillar. They fly up into the air.

"Come!" Kirishima yells, I glance at Bakugo, then glance back at them. A bone comes up from under me, sending me flying up toward them, I summon a G.blaster as a boost, I reach out and grab Midoriya's extended hand.

"You stupid or something?" Bakugo says to them as we fly over the buildings. One of the villains is sent flying toward us, but Mt. lady blocks them. After a few seconds, we land on the ground, we all head toward the crowds of people, so we blend in I pull my hood up. Everyone is watching a big TV, on the TV is the fight going on between All Might and All For One.

(I'm not gonna write the fight scene, so if you want to see it go to YouTube or something. It's episode 49, Season 3, One For All. Add Sans in with your imagination ;w;)

After the big fight, I had to go to the police station, they checked a few things, then Aizawa came and took me home. When we got home, I grabbed something to eat then went to bed.

Authors note:

Hey, guys hope you enjoyed the chapter, I might be too busy to write another chapter until Wednesday because my pop came over to visit until the 31st. Tell me in the comments what you think 2021 will be like.


1040 words

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