Fight or die

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We land near the waters edge, lucky for me, it's only up to my waist. We continue to make our way to the very edge of the water.

"I had a bowel movement this morning, so those things will stick all day." Mineta said, I gave him a fist bump.

"We were lucky that was all of them. I took a huge gamble." Midoriya Mutters to himself whilst holding his hand with the broken fingers.

"Midoriya, stop that. It's scary." Tsu says, Midoriya snaps out of his thoughts and looks at Tsu. "Rather than reflecting back, shouldn't you think about what to do next?" Tsu says.

"Y-You're right!" Midoriya replies, he winces from the pain in his fingers.

"Are you all right?" Tsu asks, looking concerned.

"Y-Yeah." He reply's.

"midoriya, give me your hand." I say, he gives me a questioning look but brings his hand up. "Ok, if i were you, i'd cover your mouth. . .this is gonna hurt." I say, he covers his mouth and prepares himself. "3. . .2. . .1" I use my bone manipulation to fix his broken fingers, Izuku screams through his hand in pain, I then use a little bit of healing magic to fix the damaged tissue. Like magic, his fingers were never damaged at all.

"Woah, how did you. . ?" Izuku begins.

"magic." I say, cutting him off. "anyway, what do we do now?"

"We should probably make getting help our top priority. It would be best to follow the shore and avoid the central plaza as we head toward the exit. "Midoriya explains.

"That's true. Mr Aizawa has drawn a large number of villains to the plaza. " Tsu says.

". . . but I think he overexerted himself by jumping into that crowd of villains to protect us." Midoriya says.

"Wait, Midoriya, don't tell me you. . ." Mineta begins realizing what Izuku wants to do "Stupid, stupid, stupid!' Mineta exclaims.

"I'm not thinking of doing anything that'll get in his way. But if we can just find an opening and lessen Mr Aizawa's load, even a little. . ." Midoriya says.

"it's a terrible idea. to be completely honest, you don't have enough control over your quirk to properly help him without becoming something he has to save, and we'd be putting Aizawa in even more danger if we draw attention to ourselves and can't fight off all the villains that come for us then we'll become a burden. on the other hand, aizawa will probably start to struggle as he gets rid of each villain since they depend on each other, if we can find a way to help from a safe distance, it could help. so honestly, it's up to you guys. make your decisions fast, so we don't waste valuable time." I say, they all seem to be making up their minds.

"You guys can go, I'm going to help Mr Aizawa." Midoriya says as he walks toward the plaza.

"I'm going too, purely because I don't want you to get hurt by being reckless and since I know by better judgement I won't be able to convince you not to, I may as well come." I say.

"I'm coming to *Ribbit*," Tsu says.

"But-" Mineta says, he pauses.

"Fine... Let's go." Mineta says, I can tell he just didn't want to get ditched.

We walk in the direction of the plaza where Aizawa is fighting, I know it was a stupid idea, but I don't think I can persuade Midoriya not to. So it's best for me to be here to protect them if necessary. Soon we arrive at the water's edge closest to where Aizawa is.

"Hey Midoriya, we're just here to see how things are going, okay?" Mineta whispers.

"I know. We'll run away the instant it seems dangerous." Midoriya replies, from where I am, I see loads of knocked out villains all over the place, more and more when finally the what I presume' is the boss runs at Aizawa.

The Skeletal Hero: Karmic JudgeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon