New world

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Sans pov

As I open my eyes, I expect to see the roof of my bedroom, which would show that the player reset but instead, what I see surprises me. I am leaning up against a wall in an alleyway. As I try to get up, I feel a sharp pain erupt from my chest and fall back to the ground. That's when I noticed that I was somehow a human. What the- wait, does this mean-my thoughts are interrupted by three men standing at the alleyway's entrance.

"Look what we got here, boys, a defenceless 15-year-old." Says a man with scruffy brown hair, dark blue jeans and a black hood.

"Let's see if this kids got anything." Mutters one of the other guys, who was wearing similar clothes to the other two guys.

"sorry, fellas, but I don't feel like being robbed today." I say, struggling to get to my feet.

"And what are you going to do, your just a kid!" The guy yelled as he charged forward, shooting a beam toward me, which I easily dodged. Humans can't use magic...right? Focus on what's happening now, think about that later. I summon a bone out of the ground, which hits the guy with the laser magic and knocks him out, the other two guys reflexively take a step back only to charge at me anyway.

"that's gonna leave a mark." I mutter, one of the guy's fires five knives at me, I dodged, teleporting behind them, grabbing one of their souls and slamming them into the other guy. I walk over to them and make sure they're knocked out, which they are. Ok, now let's figure out how I got to what I presumed was the surface, however, before I could come up with a rational explanation.

"Hey, kid, did you do this?" I turn around in surprise and see a man wearing all black except for a white scarf and a pair of yellow goggles. "Well, did you?" The man asked impatiently.

"Yeah, why?" I plainly stated.

"All on your own?" The man questioned.

"yeah, i mean, i'm the only one conscious here besides yourself?" I say, the man gives me a suspicious stare.

"What's your quirk?" He says, what does he mean by a Quirk?

"What's a quirk?" I ask, the man looks at me with a shocked expression.

Aizawa's pov

"What's a quirk?" The boy asked. How does this kid not know what a Quirk is? Maybe he's not from here? People call Quirks different things in different places.

"A Quirk is like a power you manifest when you're about 3 to 5 years old." I explain, the boy nods, a thoughtful look forms on his face. "I'm the pro hero Eraserhead, you probably haven't heard of me before." I say.

"pro hero..?" The boy asked, he doesn't know what a pro hero is? This is odd... Pro hero is a worldwide term it's impossible for him not to know.

"It's someone who's legally allowed to use their Quirk to protect civilians and fight villains." I say, the boy taps his chin.

"So, what's your name, kid?" I ask.

"sans." He says, he looks at me with a lazy smile.

"Well, Sans, shouldn't you be getting home? Your parents must be worried." Sans looks at the ground with a slightly mournful look on his face, the smile he once had faded into a creased frown. The pupils in his eyes disappear, only leaving the dark void in his eyes. I feel a slight chill run down my spine.

"You have a family to go home to, right?" I say, Sans stays silent. "Where's your family?"

"gone..." I want to continue to ask questions but decide against it. "it's been nice talking with you, but I'm going to g-" He says as he makes his way past me, but he cut himself off as he passes out. As I catch him, I notice a big wound across his chest, how did I not see that before? He must've been hiding it. I decide to take him to the hospital. While he's recovering, I look for a file on who he is to no avail. It's like he just appeared out of thin air. When he wakes up, I'll need to ask what his last name is.

"Eraserhead, the boy you brought in is awake." One of the nurses said, then walked away, I made my way down the hall and to the room Sans was in. I walk into the room and see just Sans staring out the window.

"It's good to see you awake, Sans." Sans turns, looks toward me and then returns his gaze to the window. "I'm going to ask you a few questions, so answer truthfully".

~Sans pov~
"I'm going to ask you a few questions, so answer truthfully." Eraserhead said.

"..alright." I say, how exactly am I supposed to tell the truth? Eraserhead's first question cut off my thoughts.

"What's your full name?"

"Sans...Gaster..." I reply, I feel a slight pull in my soul.

"What's your Quirk?"

"Well...I can summon bones, use shortcuts, use something like telekinesis and look at someone and know a bit about them." May as well tell him about that.

"What happened to your family." I'd rather avoid this question, but I have to give him an answer or at least a believable lie.

"tibia honest, i don't know." I mutter, Eraserhead seemed to pause.

"For now, that's all I need to know...I'm going to a meeting to work out a place for you to stay." He says as he walks toward the door.

"hol' on, i didn't catch your name, like your real name." I say, Eraser turns to me.

"I'm Aizawa." Aizawa says before walking out the door.

Time skip (A day later)

Aizawa pov

After the meeting, it was decided that Gaster would stay with me since he has no records or information about him. This is going to be interesting, I'll need to make sure to collect as much data as I can...


time skip


~Sans pov~

I watch the lights of the city flash past as Aizawa drives us to his apartment or, in other words, my new home. This city was bright, but in consideration, the only city I can compare to this one is new home... I miss home... As we drive my mind wonders away, I begin to remember what happened before I got here, the kid did what felt like the 10000th genocide it was exhausting... Each time they killed Tori, Pap, Undyne, Metaton, Asgore, innocent monsters and of course me. As usual, I fought them in the judgment hall and like always, they killed me. Then the flash of white and waking up in an alleyway on the surface where humans can use magic or what they call it, quirks. What could have possibly made that run different from the many before this? How'd I even get transported to this world? It doesn't make any sense...! My thought are interrupted by someone calling my name.

"Sans!" I turn my head to see Aizawa looking at me. "We're here." He says, getting out of the car, I follow him up the stairs and into an apartment room. "Since I still need to clean out the spare room, you'll have to sleep on the couch." He says, I look at the couch, looks comfy. "Now go in that room over there and take a shower, I'll find you some clean clothes to wear." Aizawa points to a room opposite the main door. I go into the bathroom, grab a towel, and put it beside the shower next to the mirror. I look into the mirror and almost trip over my own feet, it came to be quite a shock since I haven't seen exactly what I look like now that I'm a human. I have white hair that fades into a light blue, my skin is pale, almost colourless, my sclerae are black, and my pupils and iris are white, I decided to check if they change colour when I use my magic. I use my telekinesis to lift every object in the room, and my left eye begins to glow a faint blue, well, that still works the same. I put everything back down, turned the shower on and got in. I then have to get out and re-adjust the heat. Jez having skin is so weird!

Author note:
Thank you for reading my first fan fic, so comment and tell me what I could do to improve. Also, I'm making Aizawa live alone, and in this, there may be a few ships ( not saying if there will or won't cuz, Idk). If you don't agree with some, don't get angry.
1403 words

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