Rescue training gone wrong

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I enter the class and walk over to Midoriya, we talk until class is about to begin and quickly take our seats. Aizawa walks in moments later and begins to speak. 

"Today's training will be a little different, you'll have three instructors, me, All Might, and another  faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." Aizawa says

"Sir, what kind of training is this?" Sero asks.

"Rescue, you'll be dealing with natural disasters, ship wreaks, stuff like that." He answers, the class fills with excited chatter. "Guys, I'm not finished." Aizawa says in his usual monotoned voice, everyone goes silent and turn toward Aizawa. "What you wear is up to you, I know you're excited about costumes." Aizawa presses a button. "But keep in mind you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities, this special training is at an off campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all start getting ready." Aizawa walked out of the door. I grab my hero costume, teleport to the change room, change and then teleport outside in front of the bus and wait for everyone else to come out.

Time skip (on the bus)

Everyone is talking, I'm just staring out the window. I get a sudden feeling that something bad is going to happen, I decide to keep my guard up from now on. I look out the window, trying to figure out what could possibly happen, but my thoughts are distracted by the angry Pomeranian's yells of anger, 

"What did you say?! I'll kick your ass!" He yells, I decide to block his yelling out and keep looking out the window. Soon enough, we arrive. I get out of my seat, and out of the bus, I see Aizawa and an astronaut?

"Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you." The astronaut says.

"It's the space hero thirteen, the chivalries hero who's saved a ton of people from disaster all across the world!" Midoriya says, there is some chatter that I pay no attention to and listen to thirteen. 

"I can't wait to show you what's inside!" Thirteen says as they point to the building behind them.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Basically, everyone says in sync. As we walk in, I look around in anticipation. 

"woah." I mutter, this place is massive.

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a wind storm, etc. I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the unforeseen simulation joint, but you can call it U.S.J.," Thirteen announces.

"Isn't All Might supposed to be here? Let me guess he booked an interview instead." Aizawa says bluntly. I couldn't hear Thirteen's reply, something that confused me was that she held up three fingers...wonder what that meant. Three... three... what does it mean... Wait, didn't All Might fight three villains on the way to school? But why is that important? Did he over exert himself? Probably not, but it's a possibility? 

"Clocks ticking, we should get started." Aizawa states.

"Before we begin, let me say one thing, maybe two, possibly three, four or five." Thirteen says

"We get it." Everyone says.                                                                                                                                          

"Everyone, I am sure you are aware of my Quirk, black hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust." Thirteen says, I'd love to be able to research their Quirk! It would be interesting.

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