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I head to the dorm kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee, I keep getting told off for stealing everyone's ketchup, so I had to settle for the next best thing. I make myself some toast as well, smearing butter onto the crummy surface before walking up to my room as quiet as possible as to not wake anyone up.

I chow down the toast and skull the coffee. Then change into my school uniform, I hear groups of footsteps pass my door. People are beginning to emerge from their rooms, I close my eyes to check on Eri.

She was awake, I felt excitement and relief pull at my soul. The nurse had just dropped off Eri's food and left. Blitz flies down to her and rubs his head (Or I guess you could say body) against her arm. She flinches slightly before recognition enters her features. Eri pats Blitz on the head, he'll have to return back to me soon, but for now, I'll let Eri enjoy his company. As Blitz floats around her, I see that the horn on her head has shrunken down quite a number of sizes, maybe that has something to do with the amount of energy her Quirk is storing?

I open my eyes and glance at the clock (Aizawa bought it for me so I'd be on time.) It was about 10 minutes before classes started. I decide to head downstairs and socialize with my classmates before school.

After a short conversation with Midoriya,1' I walked with him to school, today, we have mostly normal school subjects, including one of my favourite class, math. Our teacher is Ectoplasm, he writes an equation on the board.

"If you know the answer, raise your hand." He says, stepping out of the way, I stare at the question for a few seconds before raising my hand. "Sans." He says expectantly.

"107/28" I say.

"Correct!" Ectoplasm says with a slight nod. I notice I some glances fired over at me from across the room,  I brush it off and continue to the next page. 

Class finishes relatively fast, I get up from my seat and walk over to where Midoriya is sitting. Uraraka and Iida are standing with him.

"you guys heading to lunch or keep standing here." I said, tilting my head toward the door.

"Let's go, I'm starvi-" Midoriya's words are cut off by a piece of cheese being placed in his mouth.

"Then, have some cheese." Aoyama says, seemingly coming out of nowhere, I jump back slightly. Silence fills the air as Midoriya eyes Aoyama. Aoyama winks, Midoriya stumbles up from his chair.

"You scared me!" He shouts, the cheese flings up into the air, then falls back into Midoriya's mouth, causing him to swallow it. "Cheese?!" He mutters.

"Pont-I'Eveque cheese--It's a smooth, mild cheese." Aoyama says, bowing over and holding the tray out to Midoriya.

"Huh?! I'm okay, I still have some in my mouth! Thanks..." Midoriya says. At this point, I decide to make like a tree and leaf. I walk out of the class and shortcut to the cafeteria, I get my food and choose to sit with Shinso since we haven't talked for a while.

It's been a few days since the cheese incident, Aoyama and Midoriya have been acting weird around each other. I heard a ruckus from Midoriya's room late last night, and it looks like he barely slept. We get to hero training class, we're working on our special moves again. 

I decided to try doing parkour with my bones while still using other attacks, it would help me dodge when need be. I asked Kirishima and Bakugo if I could train with them because Kirishima wanted someone to attack him, and Bakugo was already doing that. 

Every now and again, I'd end up slipping or falling, so I decided to get my costume upgraded, I needed to add two main things. Better grip for my shoes and supports from my ankles so I don't end up with a sprain. Along with that, I decided to practice switching between my human form and my skeleton form, it was surprisingly easy to figure out.

Class continued like usual, and eventually, we were back at the dorms, I noticed that Aoyama and Midoriya seemed less tense. Guess they worked it out? Midoriya looks over to me, a slight amount of curiousness etched into his features. He walks over, his notebook (that seemingly came out of nowhere) in hand.

"Hey Sans, do you mind me asking about your Quirk since I never really got the time?" Midoriya asks, I nod. 

"sure, what do you wanna know?" I say casually.

"How many Quirks do you have? I know you've said that it's skele-soul, but some of your abilities don't fit that description." He says, straight to the point, I guess.

"it's a mix of my parent's quirks moulded into one, it's kinda complicated."  I say, trying to make it simple enough that he'll move on. 

"I was talking to the girls a while back, they mentioned something about stopping time. Why have you never used that before? Or is it the way your shortcuts work?"

"shortcuts are a different thing, and the reason i don't use them much is because it's tiring," I say.

"Alright," Midoriya mumbles as he continues to scribble things in his notebook. Before he has a chance to go on, we're all called to dinner, saved by the bell, I guess.

Hey guys, sorry that didn't upload for a while. At first, it was because of writers block, then it was the last week of school. So as you can imagine, it was chaos. But I'm back now, so yay.

If you have any questions about the book, things you think I probably forgot about, or any suggestions for future development, then comment, and I will do my best to reply to you all!

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The Skeletal Hero: Karmic JudgeWhere stories live. Discover now