Sacrifices must be made

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After a few more hours and my persistence, I was able to go back to the dorms; I grabbed a coffee from the kitchen before going back to my room. I didn't want to talk to anyone; I didn't want to get distracted. I had something important to do.

Ever since waking up, my mind couldn't stop thinking about it; when will Frisk attack? It was inevitable. They wanted me dead; I know that. So is staying at UA a good idea? It has good security, but Frisk is determined. Nothing has stopped them before.

They'll keep coming back, no matter what.

Unless they die.

It was a weird thing, the possibility of killing them for good. The fact that they might not come back. That I'll finally be free of their control.

What if they don't die? What if they reset? If I do everything again, would that really be so bad? I could be cautious and prepared for things. 

No, we thought the same thing when the resets began. I can't live like that again. I sigh, sipping the hot brown liquid, thinking over my choices.

I knew what I needed to do.

I needed to do my job.

I needed to be the Judge.

It would ruin my life here; I know that. But it would protect everyone else. No one said it would be easy; I'd likely be arrested afterwards. It was a choice between my freedom or the lives of everyone around me; my choice was obvious. 

I was going to kill Frisk.

I begin pacing; we need a plan. Frisk wouldn't die easily. They may not be as strong as they used to be; it'll be like old times. Except we'll both have one chance. 

Their DT. 

That's the problem.

They're more determined than I am; the more Determined they are, the smaller my chances of survival. I needed to get rid of it, or at least decrease it.

An idea floated around in my brain.

Of course, I'd have to use that. I felt my stomach twist, and my chest tightened, the thought of it. Using it on someone again.

What choice do I have?

Not much of one. 

We remember how to make it.

Of course, how could we not?

We helped make the damn thing in the first place.

The DT Extractor.

The thought of that machine made me sick, but I knew it was necessary.

We'd have to get the suitable materials while being discreet; Aizawa's sharp. If I start making a new gadget out of the blue, Aizawa will get suspicious.

I was such an idiot.

He's going to be paying attention to me now.

Why didn't I just lie my way out of it? 

I felt bad; a part of me wanted to tell him. Tell someone. But that wasn't a choice. He'd try to stop me; he wouldn't understand how dire this situation was. No one would.

I pulled out some construction paper, I knew how it worked, but it needed to be a lot smaller. I sketch out the design, making sure to write in Dings. This machine would take weeks to build; my best guess was just after the festival. Good.

At least I'll have one more moment of joy before my impending doom.

The design was simple; I'd build off one of my blasters. That'd spare me from scavenging for metal; it also had its own power source. Me. 

That was a flaw.

A fatal flaw.

If I stuff this up, it could kill me.

I wasn't scared.

I was willing to get myself killed as long as I brought Frisk down with me.

I refuse to die until they're gone.

The sketch was done; I stared down at it. This is my purpose. The reason I am here, why I was saved. 

Sacrifices must be made.


Hello everyone!
How you all enjoyed the chapter! We get a closer look at Sans' thoughts, and this man is very self-sacrificial, my god-
Anyway, what do you think will happen between now and the festival? What role do you think he'll play in the performance? Or will he just run away? Disappear? Who knows?!?


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