Recruitment to a cause

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Alphys had passed out multiple times, it was good that I was able to catch her before she hit the ground, I had to carry her over to the couch. While waiting for her to wake up, I scheduled a meeting with the king and to my luck he was free. he was another person that would need to know.
Bringing Alphys and Asgore on board had many reasons, one was that the public trusted them, so whatever they said would be believed. 
There was the potential to bring in more people, but the fewer people there were, the easier it would be.
After Alphys woke up for the sixth time, I was able to keep her awake, by that time, the meeting was five minutes away. I rushed her to get her shit together before taking a shortcut to the hall.

"Th-This is whe-where you fought t-the human?" Alphys asks as we make our way down the hall, our footsteps echo through the quiet and open room. A warm yellow light seeped through the windows, the cement pillars stood tall and untouched.

"yep, it's kinda weird to be back." I hum, my eyes stick to the ground. I didn't want to witness this room again, but it felt necessary.

"H-How exactly-ly did yo-you find out-t about t-the old l-lab?" Alphys asks. One thing that always slips my mind is how little others know.

"i worked there." I answer, Alphys stops in her tracks.

"What?!" She shouts, the word bounces off the walls, echoing around the large room.

"i worked with the previous royal scientist, once he died, i took over for a little while. then i quit." I hum, Alphys continues to walk. She picks up her pace to catch up as the hall's end approaches. The doorway stood tall, the other end shadowed.
The golden glow of light disappeared as the walls changed into a bleak grey, Alphys seemed to be about ready to jump out of her skin. I stop just outside the door to the king's throne room and place a hand on Alphys shoulder. "the kings pretty chill, trust me." I say, I've dealt with anxiety before and one thing that doesn't help is when people say 'theres no need to be so nervous.' 
Alphys nods before we walk in, Asgore is bent over his flowers. A small watering can in his hands, water trickles onto the small yellow plants.
His head turns, lighting up as he sees us.

"Ah, Sans, doctor Alphys, right on time." He hums with a smile as he sets the watering can aside. "Would you two like some tea? Or would you like to get straight into business?"   He asks.

"tea time afterward, this is a more ergent matter." I say, Asgore raises an eye brow. He sees a little more on edge. Alphys steps forward and our long wordy explanation begins, Asgore asks a lot of question and frankly I can't blame him.
If two people came and told him that one traveled to another universe after escaping this one which was stuck in a time loop for years I'd ask a lot of questions too. By the time we finished we all had a cup of tea in hand, I always forget how good it tastes.

"...This is an... interesting discovery." Asgore hums, staring into the creamy depths of his tea. His stare is full of a million words and millions more regrets.

"i get that it's a lot to think about but the sooner we put the plan in motion the better, i don't have any way to contact them from here and i have no idea how time passes in comparison." I say, downing the rest of my tea and standing. "i recommend you make an announcement as soon as possible." The king nods. "stick to the script i've given you, all the public needs to know is that we've found a new way out and that the humans have mutated to develop quirks. keep it vuege. al, i'm sure you can keep it within what we need it to be?" I ask.

"W-Well, yes b-but sh-shouldn't you h-help him wr-write it?" Alphys asks.

"i would, and i'll check over it but i have one more person i need to speak with and it might be a little more... difficult." I internally cringe at the task I've given myself, it was necessary and it was an annoyance.
He probably already knows somethings up, probably been listening in. The little annoyance. Still, it's my job to save the underground. And that includes saving him too. I already have a migrain. "i'll be back... maybe." I say before taking a shortcut to the ruins.
Light danced across the purple brick walls, the water rushed below the paths and the viles hung from the roof.
I walk along the path and down the clean white stairs, something yellow catches my eye. A golden star, a save point, I'd seen them earlier but didn't bother doing anything.
I could save.

But I refused.

I didn't want to save. As much as it was useful I didn't like the thought, it just felt wrong. I'd call it stuborness and trauma.
I turn away and continue down the path. I walk through the doorway, the room is open and dark. Only a small patch of grass visible sitting in the limited light, I stop a few steps away and wait only a moment before a yellow flower pops out of the ground. He stares at me with annoyed suspicion.



Hello, hello, hello people! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Asgore has made his appearance and so as Flowey so hooray. I know it's kind of out of place but Rip Technoblade, he was an amazing guy and changed the life of so many people. We'll miss him. o7

903 words


The Skeletal Hero: Karmic JudgeWhere stories live. Discover now