Down under

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"hey, al." I hum as I walk down the snowy path, I could hear shuffling and movement on the other end of the phone.

"H-Hey, Sans-s, I was won-wond-ering if y-you cou-could sto-op by th-the lab? I nee-ed to tal-lk with yo-ou." Alphys asks, I hum.

"yeah, sure. i'll be there in a few. see ya soon." I say, hanging up the phone. I walk into the forest, taking a shortcut to Pap's station. He's pacing in the snow, a deep indent carved into the ground caused by overused. "hey bro, i gotta head to the lab. al just called." I say as i walk out from behind a tree.


"k, bro,  make sure to call me if you see any." I hum, walking back the way I came. I take a shortcut straight to hotland, I raise my boney knuckles to the metal door before knocking. I hear a loud crash before light, fast-paced footsteps rush toward the door.
The metal doors slide open, Alphys stands in front of me. She stares for a short moment.

"I- uh-" Alphys begins, she was nervous.

"chill al, i know about the camera," I say, entering the lab. It was a mess, there were papers all over the place,  anime posters everywhere and empty noodle cups.

"You kn-new?" She asks, eyes widening.

"yeah, that's why i said what i said." I say, Alphys looks unsure.

"Wh-what you s-said, di-did you m-mean it?" She asks.

"yep." I answer. "but, i can't tell you here. we have to go to the true lab." I say, she stares. Her eyes were full of fear.

"W-We can-an't go d-do-down th-there!" She shouts, her hands move to her mouth instantly after she spoke.

"i already know what's down there, al. i don't blame you." I say, i place a hand on her shoulder. "trust me." Alphys sighs shakily before leading me to the elevator.

"Ho-How'd yo-you find o-out?" She asks, pressing the buttons. The elevator begins to descend, shakily.

"i'll tell you once we're down there." I hum, the elevator comes to a stop. I step out first, walking down the halls. Muscle memory kicking in, I weave down the halls. Alphys trails nervously behind me, her gaze asking millions of questions.
 I stop, gazing up at the machine. The machine I helped to create and the machine that is going to save a lot of monsters.
I sit on the floor, gesturing for Alphys to sit across from me, which she does. I let out a loud sigh. "i'm not really sure where to begin."  I sigh, being honest is not my strongest ability. There's really only one place I can think to start. "we've been stuck in a time loop." I say, going on before Alphys can interject. "a human with a soul of determination fell and gained control of the timeline thanks to that determination. they've gone through the underground, freed us, spared us and killed us. then after that, they'd go back, reset and start all over again." I look around, trying to will the words to come.
"the only reason i know about this is because i have determination too, not as much as the human but just enough to be aware. my memories of the resets at the beginning were vuege at first, just a strong sense of deja vu but by the hundredth, I could remember a few backs. This is reset... 534?" I hum, was it 534? Probably more honestly.
I glance at Alphys for confirmation that she's still listening, she had a notepad in her hands and is staring intensely at me.
"i've come to you in other resets, but you've forgotten. i bet you're wondering why i've come to you now." Alphys nods.
"it's because there won't be anymore. when it comes to the routes the human took there were four main ones. pacifist, true pacifist, neutral and genocide. the last route was genocide." I hum. "you know about the judgment hall right? the hall where the royal judge's anyone who wishes to see the king? well at that's where i'd fight the human, genocide routes only."

"You're th-he Royal Judge?" Alphys asks, her notes pausing midsentace.

"yep." I confirm. "anyway, i'd fight them, eventually loose and be dusted in every timeline. except last time. when i was killed i was transported to another universe, i'm not really sure how but it happened. in this universe it's a few hundred years in the future and humans have superpowers they call quirks. and no, it's not magic." I say. "it a completely different universe, monsters and magic don't exist. while there i met some humans, and tried to find out how to come back. soon enough i figured out what got me there in the first place." I raise a hand to my shirt, tugging on it slightly.
"every time the human killed me i absorbed minuscule amounts of their DT and by reset 533 the human and i had an even amount. the timeline threw us out like outcodes and we ended up in that universe. and the way i got back was taking the rest of the DT. there's a lot more to go over but that's really the main parts. go ahead and ask your questions."

"H-How are you-u not mea-alting? I-If you ha-have the equ-equivelent am-mount of DT that a hu-uman would h-have then you-our body-dy shoul-houldn't be ab-ble to h-hold it. ev-ven if it was-s a gradu-adual increase." Alphys asks.

"well-" I snap my fingers and in seconds I'm in human form, Alphys jumps to her feet, stumbling back in shock. "i think this was my bodies way of trying to adapt to the other universe while also stopping me from turning into an amalgamate. but i have no idea how i held together before." That last piece was a slight lie, I had a few theories. Most involving two ghosts but that was an explanation for another day.

"O-ok, uh- why me? Like wh-hy you tell m-me?" She asks.

"a few reasons, first off, you're one of the smartest people i know, two, i knew you'd believe me and three, the other universe is something you'd be into." I smile as Alphys's eyebrow raises. "i think that it might be anime." 


Hello everybody, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Could I have skipped over the dialogue? Maybe? But it was kinda important so you could get a view on how much Alphys is told. ANYWAY!

1057 words


The Skeletal Hero: Karmic JudgeWhere stories live. Discover now