Chapter Three: Work is done

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My eyes widened and I jumped.


I tackled Felix with a hug and jumped up and down. Then we realized how we're acting, we stopped and pretended nothing happened.

"Anyways. How's his health?"

"From before, far from good. Right now ow his body is weak so he needs rest and medication."

"Amazing. Where is the princess?"

"She's currently with his highness and making up for time they had."

"Very good. Welp. Tell the princess to come see me when she's done."

"Yes, Lady Stella." With that he left. I squealed some more and jumped up and down, clapping my hands together.

"I'm glad I helped."

Stella you did a good job. I thought to myself. I patted my own back and went back to my work. Then an idea popped in my head.

What if I make Claude an outfit? I have to take his measurements and everything. I took a paper and started sketching my idea of an outfit for him.

This will be real tricky.

Athanasia came to me at night and explained how Claude was doing. He remember her and hugged her. Surprisingly he had some tears running down his face too. Boy, I wish I was there to see it. She thanked me and said that I can stay here at the Emerald Palace as long as I want since I have no where to go. I thanked her and gave her a hug. Felix also came up to me and thanked me along side with Lillian York. I ship it. They have to end up together. I'll make sure of it. I'm not sure who I ship Athanasia with. I like both of the boys but I don't know.

Athanasia invited me to a tea outside in her garden of roses in three days. I agreed and prepared one of my dresses that are Obelian styled. Backless, thin straps, height of the dress was enough to show my ankles and feet. For the chest I made it in layers so I don't need to wear a bra or a fucking corset. That thing is a torture device. I made the dress with white silk and gold fabric for the straps, end of the dress, waist line and I sewed flowers with a golden thread. It was inspired from Claude's robed that he usually- never mind, always wears. I matched it with glittery golden high heels.

I had my hair haired into a high pony tail with a holo earring and a thing necklace. Thank god for Lily's skin routine that I don't need to use concealer or foundation to hide bag under my eyes. I loved the skin routine. One for not using my money or wallet, two I have everything I need because the maids fill the items and materials needed every few days. Lily is an angel in disguise, I swear. Felix you better take good care of her.

Athanasia and I walked to a curate table with tea and sweets on it. Lippee tea is good but I am more into cinnamon since it's my favorite. I talked about my designs and ideas  for the future and Ananias listened intensely.

"I'll have a glass of whisky, Jolene."

"Right away, My Lady."

"You like alcohol too much. Alongside with coffee, Stella." Athanasia said. I rolled my eyes and Jolene handed me the glade of precious whisky.

"Well, sweetie. Once you're my age. Alcohol and Coffee will be your best friends."

"When can I have them?"

"Once you hit 18. I'll gladly have a girls night out with you." I smirked as I drank my glass of whisky. Athanasia giggled and I just smiled.


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