Chapter Twelve: Gratful for the Miracle

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After that day, Stella would find Claude on her couch laying and sleeping or sometimes just staring at her working. At first she thought it was awkward before getting used to it. She would sometimes ask his opinion and he would reply in short answers.

Stella wore her modern clothes for the first time she came here and boy it felt like home. It was hard to find a material similar to jeans but she did anyways after a month or so. She made baggy jeans with a white top and a cardigan (Harry Styles 😏). Her hair in a messy braid to her side. Claude completely stared at her style of clothing and simply thought it looked good on her.

After completing his work, Claude would go to Stella's office and watch her work. She was indeed talented and very ambitious. She would finish a dress but in the middle she would get an idea of a dress and quickly sketch it before forgetting it. Her face lighting up was very cute-

Wait cute?

Claude shook his head and rubbed his eyes before he felt something being placed on his head. He looked up and Stella had a pink flower crown and on his head was a green one.

"Hmm." Stella replaced the flower Crown with a pink one and looked carefully.

"Nope." Stella then took out a purple flower crown and placed it on Claude's head. She smiled.

"Purple compliments your hair a lot. It's very pretty." She said as she took it off and placed it on a mannequins head before going back to work.

After an hour Claude saw her yawn and stretch her arms, a bit of her belly showing from her top going up as well. He breathed out.

"Come here." He said. Stella looked at him with a questionable expression but she did anyways. She sat down next to him and leaned in the chair.

"You've worked longer this time."

"Yeah I want to finish the dresses as fast as possible."


Stella closed her eyes and went to sleep. Claude stared at her breathing slowing down and her face became more rested. A strand of hair fell in front of her face, blocking half of her face from his view. Claude brought up his hand and pulled the strand of her to the back of her ear.

Her skin was soft under his. He caressed his fingers on her cheek then went down to her neck in which it made Stella move a bit and let out a small giggle. Claude chuckled.

Ticklish, I see. He thought.

Stella's head moved to her side in an uncomfortable pose so Claude pulled her to his side. Unconsciously- maybe- Stella leaned to him and curled against him, trapping Claude between her and the couch. Claude sighed and he slowly placed his hand in her hair.

He's seen black hair before but never has he thought that this color would attract him. Her eyes and hair matched together, her personality was peculiar but in a good way, her appearance was definitely beautiful and would attract a lot of men

He didn't want to admit it but if Stella hadn't appeared then he would've died from the curse and leave his daughter all alone. It was indeed a miracle. From what he learned of Stella;

1-She's allergic to bananas. (Me in real life)

2-Very generous but to a limit.

3-Kind but to the right people because she isn't naive.

4-Intelligent; she would sometimes look over the issues of the Empire and suggest ideas and solutions which definitely helped out a lot.

5-She's a lie detector; many many times she told him about some people who definitely lied about something important. He would sent out Felix and other guards to check and indeed she was right.

6-Get's annoyed easily.

7-Her brutal honesty can kill people; If she doesn't like someone then she'll make is obvious and not go easy on anyone.

8-Amazing in remembering small details; every time she would meet someone she would ask a lot of questions as if interrogating them but in a friendly way then when she meets them again, she'll bring things that they like and prepare herself. No wonder she's popular in the capital and palace.

9-Doesn't mind saying what's on her mind.

10-She also cooks and bakes in which Athanasia fell in love with her. She would make a different dish each Friday and share it in the palace.

11-She always wins an argument; she never lost. Ever. She always tells the correct and right things which will make her the winner.

12-She's very logical and has common sense; her words are wise and often impresses Claude.

13-She loves sweets especially chocolate; every time they are together Claude orders the same treats he has with Athanasia.

14-Loves her work; twice she got sick and didn't rest until Claude put a sleeping spell on her.

15-She brings out the best in people; she's a social butterfly and makes sure people are comfortable around her because she loves people who are themselves.

16–Even though she's a social butterfly, she needs her alone time; she called it her 'social recharge' she doesn't have any will to continue to talk or hang around people so she's alone in her room for 5 or more hours in her room.

17-She loves showing her work; every few days she would have this 'Fashion runway' and have men and women try out her clothes and pose for her and everyone. It's very entertaining so he always attends it.

Claude will never say this out loud but-

He's grateful that Stella appeared.

The next few days were peaceful. Same old, same old.

Morning breakfast. Work. Claude sounds his time watching Stella. Athanasia and Stella having their modern talk from their own world. Etc.



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