"This is the Void Scream Whatever you want"

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Hello Void, will you marry me?
Consume all that I am and allow me to fade into the realm of the eternally forgotten.
Let me never breathe another breathe wasted into the winds that promised change and never happened.
Eat the thoughts that eat away my useless soul.
Brake all my ties, destroy all bonds and let me bleed into the emptiness that shall finally allow me to rest.
Let me become one with the darkness and walk from the listless living and return to the ethereal plains where stars dance and dreams wander free.
Marry me to the Void and let me be the Queen of Tragedy as I saw it when I was young.
Free me from the lies of youth that told me I could achieve greatness.
Bring back the reality that I was born to be molded by yesterday for the tommorow I didn't ask for.
May the void take my hand and in unison we screech from the withheld shattering of our hearts.

-Sincerely whoever society defines me to be

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