Bella's 18th Birthday!

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The prom was fun, Jazz took me and summer was amazing, I spent all my time with Jazz. I am no longer grounded because I don't care, all I need is my emancipation official letter and I'm out of this stupid house. I woke up and got dressed in this.

I went to Bella's room and climbed on her bed waking her up, I said "Happy 18th sis" she hugged me and said "Thank you, but isn't it a little early?" I handed her my gift and said "Not when I'm avoiding the abusive father

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I went to Bella's room and climbed on her bed waking her up, I said "Happy 18th sis" she hugged me and said "Thank you, but isn't it a little early?" I handed her my gift and said "Not when I'm avoiding the abusive father." she said "Got the letter yet?" I said "Nope, I'm gonna check the mail  after school and if I get it I'll tell everyone tomorrow, today is your day." She said "No if you get it then tell us all after I open presents that I don't want them to get but know they will." I smiled and kissed her cheek before saying "I will, now open the present." she smiled and unwrapped my gift for her, it was a framed picture of us, I was 14, she was 16, we were at the beach and having a sister day. The frame said "Thank you for being my best friend and sister!" she hugged me again and said "Oh thank you, I will cherish it forever." I hugged her back before I said "Now I gotta bounce." she laughed and shooed me away. 

I left her room and went downstairs, I grabbed my bag and my keys and took off for the Cullen's house, because I still had two hours before school starts. I walked inside and was immediately brought into a hug by Carlisle, he said "Hey, how are you feeling?" I said "I am dealing one day at a time, I just need that letter to show up and then I will be dealing better." Esme said "How about some breakfast?" I said "I would love some, thank you momma." she kissed my head and started to work on some food, after 30 minutes she set a plate of food on the table and I sat down to eat my breakfast. After breakfast everyone came down dressed and Jasper wrapped his arms around my waist saying "Good morning beautiful." I said "Good morning Jazz." Alice said "I love your outfit." I said "Thanks Alice." 

Alice said "So we are throwing Bella a party tonight." I said "I'm telling you now don't go over board, she doesn't like parties, and now that she is with Edward she doesn't like her birthday." Alice said "I promise I'll keep it small but I want you all to come."I said "Don't worry Alex and I wouldn't miss our sister's birthday." Esme said "Ok off to school children." We all headed out and got in our cars, Rosalie and Emmett drove Alice and Edward, and Jasper drove my jeep. I saw Bella and Alex and went up to hug them, when Jake walked up. I ran up to him and hugged him, he said "Hey Mimi." I said "Hey Jake." he gave Bella a dreamcatcher and I walked off with Jasper. We met up with Alice who had a present, she said "This is for her to wear to the party, yours is on your bed for when we get home." 

She said "Ooh she is coming" and skipped off I shook my head as we followed her, once we got down there Alex wrapped his arm around her as she handed Bella the box. Bella said "I thought I said no presents." Alice said "But I saw you open it and guess what, you love it. Wear it tonight, our place. Please." I nudged Jazz who stared at Bella she finally said "Alright fine." Alice squealed and said "Yay." and we all went to walk to class but Bella said "Hey Jasper no fair with the mood control thing." he smiled at her and said "Sorry Bella, Happy.... never mind." her glare silenced him and he dragged me off to class.

After school we went to the house and I grabbed the mail, I grabbed the envelope with my name on it ad gave the rest to Esme. She handed me a snack as I went to Jasper and I's room, I opened the envelope and it was my emancipation letter. I smiled and stuck it in my bag I'd tell everyone after Bella's party was over. Jasper walked in as I was undressing so he made himself useful and unzipped my skirt and I let it fall to the floor. He pulled me into his arms and I said "Whats wrong?" his hands ran gently over my bruises and so I grabbed his hands and said "Jazz if it bothers you then don't look, they will go away eventually and I will soon get away from him." he dropped to his knees and said "Doesn't mean you should be ok with this." he gently kissed each bruise making me groan and gently push him away. I said "We don't have time for this, but later." he smirked at me and said "That was not what I was going for but I'll take it." I giggled as he stood up and started to change, I put this dress on and he zipped it up for me.

" I giggled as he stood up and started to change, I put this dress on and he zipped it up for me

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Once we were dressed Alice came up and said "Head down I'm grabbing the birthday girl." we nodded and headed downstairs, Esme said "You look beautiful baby girl." I said "Thank you." Bella came down and Carlisle and Esme hugged her, Carlisle said "Sorry about this. We tried to reign Alice in." Esme said "Like that's even possible. Happy birthday Bella." Alice took a picture of Bella and them causing Bella to look up, Alice said "Found it in your bag, do you mind?" Bella shook her head and Alice took one of Jasper and I, he had his arms around my waist and I was leaning against his chest. Rosalie shoved a small silver present to Bella and said "Its a necklace, Alice picked it out." then proceeded to walk away Alice pointed her camera at Edward and Bella then said "Show me the love." she snapped a pic and said "For your scrapbook, now open your presents." Bella said "Alice only three of us even eat, that could feed 50." Alice said "Hope your hungry. Here this one's from Emmett." 

She opened it to find an empty box and said "Uh... Thanks." Emmett said "I already installed it in your truck, finally a decent sound system for the piece of..." Bella cut him off saying "Hey don't hate the truck, but thank you." Alex said "Everyone hates the truck B." Alice said "Open mine next." she tried to open it but said "Ouch. Paper cut." Alex pulled me back away from the vampires and as soon as I was out of Jasper's arms he freaked and tried to attack. Edward threw him into the piano and Bella into the table of glassware, Jasper ran toward Edward but Edward shoved him against the wall. He bounced back and was tackled by Emmett and Carlisle, Alice tried to hold him down and said "Jazz.... shhh..." everyone froze and stared at Bella making us look toward her. Her arm was cut open from the plate shards, Carlisle jumped toward us as Alex and I were near her and he said "Rae, go to Jasper, calm him down." Edward went to protect Bella and I ran toward Jasper and fell into his lap and hugged him. 

He yanked his arms from Emmett's grasp and wrapped them securely around me, he buried his face into my neck so my hair could cover his face. Rosalie and Emmett went to help him stand up, but he went to growl and I said "Jazz lets go outside, please." so he pushed me to stand and stood with me, Rose and Emmett drug him outside and Alice walked with Alex and I, Once we got to the forest Jasper was sitting on a log, I went over and ran my hand through his hair saying "Are you ok Jazz?" he gently as if I were scared of him pulled me into his lap and said "I'm so sorry Rae," I said "It's ok, you didn't hurt anybody." I kissed him to prove I wasn't mad and he said "Bella needs stitches." I said "Yes, because Edward threw her into a table full of glass plates." 

Alex said "Come on man, don't beat yourself up, your an empath and so you had the hunger of 7 vampires and everyone knows Edward feels the lust for her blood the most. Bella will be fine and I guarantee she is not mad at you." I leaned against Jasper's chest and relaxed and started to slowly fall asleep, Alex said "Jasper is she staying here?" Jasper said "No, take her home." Alex said "Can you put her in the car?" I felt myself get picked up bridal style and he walked for a moment before he set me in the car and kissed me gently he said "I love you RaeLynn always remember that." I mumbled "I love you too Jazz." he closed the door and Alex drove off and I fell completely asleep. 

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