Chapter 38 - Skittery

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It's our boy, Skittery :) We haven't seen too much of him around, mainly since I have a hard time writing about him, but now he'll be around more :)
Also, this chapter is out because Soulmates his 4K while in was in class! Thank you so much!
Third Person POV

"Skitts!" Waves exclaims, walking into the room.

Skittery, Ace, Smokes, Hotshot, Brush, Club, and Spot chuckle. "Yes?"

"He's trying to kill me!" Waves screeches, running out of the room, as Red runs after him, holding a spoon in his hand.

"Red, if you don't stop chasing Waves, I'll call Boots!" Skittery shouts to him, before placing a card down.

Red stops running, turning back to Skittery. "Actually, I'd like that. Go ahead."

Skittery rolls his eyes, smirking. Red's whipped.

"While you're at that, call Race" Spot adds, putting a card down.

"And Ike" Hotshot adds. Skittery laughs.

"And Ethan!" Rider shouts from another room. The boys laugh.

"And Les and Lucky!" Tumbler adds. The boys laugh again.

"Let's just call all of the Manhattan Angels here, shall we?" Clubs jokes. The boys laugh again.

A ding comes from Hotshot's phone. He picks it up, and laughs when he looks at it. "Ike just texted me. He wants us to stop using the term 'Manhattan Angels'."

"I swear he can detect when someone says it, even if he's not here" Brush states. The boys nod.

"It's impressive, really" Ace adds. The boys nod again.

"Whatcha' playing?" Waves questions, plopping himself down next to Skittery.

"Would you like to guess?" Smokes asks him. He was sat next to Ace, watching Ace play.

"Please tell me you aren't playing 'Christmas BS'" Waves pleads. The boys all laugh.

"Nope. Take another guess" Clubs tells him. Waves thinks for a minute.




The boys laugh again. Waves was never really sarcastic much, then he met Skittery. He's more sarcastic now, but still not that sarcastic.

Skittery loses, so he throws his cards down as the boys continue.

Skittery pulls Waves into his lap. He nuzzles his face into Waves' neck, causing Waves to turn red. "Hey baby. You're cute."

"Stop it" Waves whines, turning more red. The boys laugh.

"Why? I'm factuating" Skittery responds. Waves laughs.

"Factuating?" Red questions, joining in another game.

"It's a word Skitts made up. I'm pretty sure you could guess what it means" Waves answers. Red nods, laughing a bit to himself.

"We playing again?" Spot questions. The boys nod.

"Can I help you play?" Smokes asks Ace, who nods, grinning.

"Can I help you?" Waves asks Skittery, who smirks at him.

"Are you actually going to be helpful? Or are you going to distract me?" Skittery questions. The boys around them laugh.

"Haven't decided yet. You'll love me anyway though" Waves responds. Skittery chuckles into his neck, causing Waves to squirm a bit.

"You ticklish, Waves?" Skittery questions. The other Brooklyn boys smirk, as Waves' eyes widen.

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