Chapter 8 - Crutchie

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Warning: Minor Bullying, and Abuse
Third Person POV

Crutchie was in class with JoJo and Buttons when the three boys got the text/news from Jack, about him, Spot, Albert, and Race.

They all read it at the same time, and immediately looked at each other after. They all had the same expression on their face, concern.

They were in their science class, and had some, about five minutes, of free time when they all got the text, so before that, they had just been talking amongst themselves.

"Somethings up" Buttons whispers to JoJo and Crutchie. No duh.

Crutchie nods, "Jack and Spot definitely wouldn't leave school if something wasn't up, and Race and Albert barely ever leave school early or miss a day."

"Race did look a little off today, and Spot looked like he was in pain all day" JoJo points out.

The Newsies knew each other like the back of their hands, you couldn't lie or say you were 'fine' when you were in the group and expect everyone to believe you.

Just then, all three of their phones vibrated, another text. This one was from Specs. The three boys looked at each other, confused, again, before opening the text.

The Newsies Group-Chat

Jack: Hey guys, just so you know, Race, Albert, Spot, and I won't be at school for the rest of the day. Come to Crutchie and I's house after school, and we'll explain why. Sent - 12:36pm

Specs: What happened? Something happened between Race, Oscar, and Morris in Social Studies, and he ran out of the room crying. I could only just text now, as our teacher, unexpectedly, gave us the last 5 minutes off. Sent - 12:59pm

Jack: Long story, I'll explain when you get here. Sent - 1:01pm

Crutchie, JoJo, and Buttons look at each other again. This time they were really worried.

"Race never cries" JoJo whispers, getting more concerned by the minute.

"Something bad definitely happened" Buttons states. No duh, Captain Obvious.

"But what did happen? That's what we don't know" Crutchie asks, pondering any ideas that come to mind.

"The Delancey Brothers definitely did something, but were they the whole problem?" Buttons questions, trying to figure out what could've happened.

"No, Race would never let them know if they hurt him. None of us would, so they can't be the whole problem" JoJo points out, and Buttons nods. JoJo has a point.

"Okay class, so does anyone want to read the next section? Page 189 to 193" Their teacher asks, turning their attention back to their class.

Crutchie and Buttons, and sometimes JoJo, usually raised their hand, but they couldn't bring themselves to today, they were all too worried.

They waited out the rest of the class, and went to their next class. For Crutchie, that was AP Lit., where he met a concerned Davey.

Davey and Crutchie talked about what could be wrong, and what happened, but they didn't have too long to talk. Their teacher started the class after a few minutes.

The pair sat through the class, wishing it would go faster, as their minds kept drifting to what could've happened to Race, and Spot, Jack, and Albert.

The class, to them, felt like it took forever to pass and be over. When the bell finally did ring, the two were out of the class faster than you could say 'Newsies'.

They booked it, as fast as they could without getting in trouble and with Crutchie's limp, to the journalism class, which was their last class of the day, and one that they had with all of the Newsies.

When they got there, everyone could tell something was off. They knew everyone had seen the texts by the look of concern of their faces.

Somehow, Specs got there after Crutchie and Davey, and when he did get to the class, everyone jumped up to ask him questions.

"What happened?"

"Is Race okay?"

"What did Oscar and Morris do?"

"Guys! Slow down! He just got here and he probably doesn't know everything" Crutchie exclaims, calming the boys down, and making them back away from Specs so that they weren't crowding him.

Specs mouths a "thank you" to Crutchie, sighing in relief. Crutchie nods back.

"I don't know what happened. Oscar and Morris slammed Race's back against his chair and he ran out crying!" Specs exclaims, explaining. Everyone looks even more worried.

"Everyone agreeing that we're going to Crutchie and Jack's house after school?" Finch questions, looking at everyone in the room.

Everyone nods, before sitting down.

The teacher, Mr. D, came in a few minutes later and takes attendance.

He waits for them to get to work but looks suspicious when no one moves, they all just sit there, worriedly pondering. "What is wrong with all of you? You're usually so happy, lively, and fun."

"Nothing" Mush mutters in response, but Mr. Denton continues to look at them, concerned.

The Newsies don't move, and the teacher raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything. He just goes back to his work, and no one talks for the rest of the class.

When class, and school, was over, the Newsies quickly got their stuff from their lockers, and raced outside.

There, Crutchie showed them the way to his house. The walk there was silent, except a few directions from Crutchie. The whole group was worried.

What had happened to Spot, Jack, Race, and Albert? What happened to Race? Why was he out of it today and why did the four boys go home early from school?

When they finally made it to Crutchie and Jack's house, Miss Medda met them at the door.

She didn't ask any questions, as she knew why they were there, and let Crutchie take them to his and Jack's room, where she had said the other four boys were.

They got in there, only to find Race crying, laying down, his head in Jack's lap.

Jack was playing with his hair, Spot was looking worriedly at Race, and Albert was carefully watching Race.

Jack, Spot, and Albert were trying to find out what had happened to Race, but Race refused to speak. Race didn't want help.

His whole life he had been told that he was worthless and that Spot (more namely his soulmate) hated him, and he learned quickly that he was on his own, as he became dependent, hating to ask for help.

The other boys noticed that Race had bandages all over his arms and back, and his shirt was off, so the bandages were more visible.

They sat down in a circle and Jack started explaining what had happened leading up to this point.

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