Chapter 32 - Albert

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Third Person POV

Elmer was tired.

Not just physically, but emotionally tired.

And Albert knew this.

He knew that Elmer was about to break, any second now.

Thankfully, Mrs. Jackson, who owns the daycare that Ezra and Eleanor go to, said she would take the younger kids on the weekend, while Elmer, Emmalyn, and Ethan are going with Albert.

In their school, the middle school and high school are connected in the 'World Highschool'. They just have different busses, for some reason.

Elmer loved his siblings, they knew that, but he needed a break. He hadn't had sleep in so long.

Once Elmer, Albert, Emmalyn, and Ethan dropped Eden, Elijah, Ezra, Eleanor, and Eddie at Mrs. Jackson's house, they started heading to Albert's apartment.

Albert's apartment had two bedrooms, one he slept in, and where Elmer would sleep in, and a guest room, where Emmalyn and Ethan would sleep.

Of course, Elmer was worried about leaving his siblings with Mrs. Jackson, but he trusted her, and she had three kids who were just barely older than Elmer to help her. Plus, she knew Elmer and his siblings like her own kids.

Once Elmer had admitted to her what he was going through since his parents died, she was happy to help him.

While walking to Albert's house, Elmer tripped twice, and almost tripped again since he was so tired he could barely walk.

"When we get to my house, you can change and go to sleep. I'll help El for tonight" Albert tells Emmalyn and Ethan, who both nod.

"Thanks Mr. DaSilva" Ethan responds. Albert smiles at the politeness, Elmer's been teaching them well.

"You don't have to call me Mr., I'm just barely older than El." Albert laughs with the two Kasprzak siblings. "Plus, I'm your brother's soulmate. Consider me another older brother."

"Are you as annoying as Elmer?" Emmalyn asks, making her and Ethan laugh. Albert smiles.

"I'm not sure. Are you two as annoying as the twins?" Elmer, who was half asleep in Albert's arms, retaliates. Emmalyn and Ethan gasp in mock offense.

"How dare you. I'm offended" Ethan responds. All four of them laugh together.

When they got to Albert's apartment, the two younger Kasprzak siblings headed off to the guest room, while Albert took Elmer to his room.

Albert changed Elmer so that Elmer was wearing some of Albert's clothes, since they were more comfortable.

Then, Albert laud Elmer down, kissing his forehead as he fell asleep.

Quietly, Albert left the room, closing the door behind him.

He quietly went to go check on Emmalyn and Ethan, but he only found the younger Kasprzak sibling in the guest room, asleep.

Albert's eyebrows furrowed, confused, as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Emmalyn, what are you doing in here?" Albert asks her, when he finds her in the kitchen.

Emmalyn turns to face him, a little surprised.
"Just getting a little water. Also, you can call me Emmie, or Emma, my siblings do."

Albert nods, sitting down at the table next to her.
"You okay? You have the classic Kasprzak sibling 'I'm thinking' look."

Emmalyn laughs at this. It was true, very true.
"Just a little worried about El. He's not very good at letting us know what he's feeling. It's also a Kasprzak thing, he just happens to be the one who admits his feelings the least out of all of us."

Albert nods. It was true. Elmer, like most of the Newsies, including Albert, had a hard time admitting his feelings.

"I understand. I've been Elmer's friend, never mind his crush and he was my crush, for years now. He never told us about this. It can be worrying." Albert admits, taking Emmalyn's hand in his own. "But what I can tell you, is that you don't need to worry. When someone joins the Newsies, they're joining a family. It'll be like you guys are part of our family now too, since most of us don't have one. We just look to each other, and in this family, we take care of each other. We'll help you take care of Elmer and your siblings, just worry about yourself. And hey, once we introduce you to everyone, you'll have a lot more brothers and sisters, and if you think Elmer is annoying, you're gonna think we're crazy."

Albert and Emmalyn laugh.

"Just so you know, we're there for you. Even if we don't know you as well as Elmer does, we're there for you. We want to get to know you, so don't be afraid to talk to us. We'll help you with anything, and you're never a burden. Heck, most of us, like Elmer, will soak those stupid Delancey brothers for you" Albert assures Emmalyn, who realizes.

"Oh my God, did Elmer?-" She questions, eyes wide. Albert nods, laughing a bit.

"Oh yeah he did. You should've seen him; he was fuming. Grabbed Oscar by the collar of his shirt and everything. I've never seen innocent little Elmer do that" Albert explains. Emmalyn laughs, her brother, her, and her other siblings are definitely very innocent.

"Thank Albert. Thanks for everything, especially being there for Elmer. He loves you a lot. He'll sometimes talk to Ethan and I about you, he'll be a tomato but at least he's happy" Emmalyn states. They both laugh.

"I love him so much." Albert whispers, smiling. Emmalyn smiles. She was so happy for her brother. Albert is great. "Let's head to bed. We're visiting your siblings tomorrow, and maybe seeing a few Newsies." Albert playfully nudges Emmalyn, who laughs.

"Yeah, I'm a little bit tired, and if I'm gone to long Ethan will somehow wake up and notice" Emmalyn responds, laughing. Albert laughs too.

"Is that just a Kasprzak son thing?" Albert questions, cause Elmer does it too. Emmalyn nods, laughing harder. Albert smiles.

The two of them get up, and put their cups in the sink, before walking into the hallway.

Emmalyn stops at the door to the guest room, before turning around to face Albert.

"Thank you again Albert. This means a lot to me" Emmalyn tells Albert, who nods to her, before she goes into the guest room.

Albert smiles. Everything's gonna be okay.

1038 Words

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