Chapter 23 - Spot

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Third Person POV

"Keep up Racer!" Spot shouts, laughing. He saw a flash of blue start to zoom past him, and grabbed the back of their shirt, pulling them back.

"I can't beat you if you keep cheating!" Race calls to Spot, who snickers. He turns his head for a minute, and sticks his tongue out at Race.

Race rolls his eyes. Spot snickers more. Race runs past Spot, but Spot grabs his shirt again, but he doesn't keep a good enough/strong grip on Race.

Both boys go tumbling to the ground, landing in the grass next to the sidewalk. They both start laughing.

Spot looks around where they are.
"Oh, we made it."

"Perfect timing then" Race chuckles, getting up. He puts out his hand for Spot to take.

Spot smirks. Race noticed the mischief on Spot's face one minute too late, as Spot took his hand, and pulled him back to the ground.

Race let's out a yelp, as Spot catches him, pulling Race onto his chest. Spot chuckles as Race blows his curly, dirty blonde hair out of his eyes.

Then, their eyes meet. Spot looks into Race's beautiful, bright blue eyes, getting lost in them, as Race gets lost in Spot's pretty, chocolatey brown eyes.

They snap out of it after a minute, Race looking down to try to hide the fact that he is blushing furiously.

Spot chuckles at the flustered blonde boy, as Race gets up. Spot gets up as well, as Race fiddles with his cigar, looking down.

Spot learned that this was a nervous habit with Race. The cigar gave him comfort and something to fiddle with when he was nervous.

Jack had told Spot that one of their old friends, Sparks, had given it to Race. Race never smoked it, as it reminded him of his father, but he chewed and fiddled with it.

"So, where is here?" Race asks, not meeting Spot's eyes.

"This new coffee shop opened up, I decided why not take you there. We haven't been on an actual date. So, what do you say? Will you go on a date with me, Anthony Higgins?" Spot asks him, blushing.

"Yeah, that would be nice" Race responds, finally meeting Spot's eyes. Spot grins, taking Race's hand, and leading him into the coffee shop.

The coffee shop was cute. The people who worked there were really peppy. So much so that they reminded the two boys of Elmer and Crutchie a bit, minus the crutch, obviously.

They sat down at a table next to the window. Race got a hot chocolate, and Spot got a coffee. Race had never liked coffee, he actually preferred tea to coffee.

The boys had once, when they were 13, tried to get Race to try coffee, and when he finally gave in and tried it, he spit it out. They all started laughing, as he began mumbling about how it tasted horrible.

Later in the day he had had the most energy ever, and they regretted that. They haven't tried convincing him into drinking coffee since.

They also got a few biscuits and cookies. Some shaped like the regular circle, and some like bow ties and other cute shapes.

The two boys just talked, more like laughed, for the whole date, enjoying each other's company.

Race really liked being with Spot, and was starting to trust Spot more. Spot was happy that Race was happy, and he knew Race was trusting him more.

When they were finished, they paid, more like argued over who should pay and Spot eventually did it after Race vowing he would next time.

The employee who took their orders and brought their bill to them was really cute about their relationship, saying stuff like,
"Are you two together? That's so cute!"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help but notice how close you are. I think it's adorable."

Spot and Race found out that the boy's name was Gabriel, and he was actually a close friend of Smokes. Plus he's BI.

They became friends, and exchanged phone numbers with him, before leaving.

It was getting pretty late by that point, and the sun was setting, so they decided to go to the park to watch the sunset together.

And that's what they did. They sat together, Race leaning on Spot, and watched the sunset, until it was over.

"I love you forever" Spot tells Race at the end. Race grins, kissing Spot.

"I love you too!" Race exclaims, ignoring the blush on his cheeks.

"And here is the Hufflepuff side of you. I'm starting to think the Quiz was right" Spot laughs, as Race playfully rolls his eyes, still grinning.

"Yeah yeah, I know. It probably was right" Race mumbles, as Spot laughs, ruffling his hair.

Spot intertwines his fingers with Race's. Race looks at him, and grins, pecking him on the cheek.

They start the walk back to Medda's/Jack, Race, and Crutchie's house.

They were halfway to the house, just laughing and having a good time together, when they saw something in an alley.

They heard shouting from inside the alley. They looked at each other, confused and concerned, and walked into the alley.

In the corner of the alley, Tumbler, who is Spot's youngest Newsie.

"Tumbler?" Spot shouts, running over to the frightened little.

Spot pulls the gag out of Tumbler's mouth, and starts untying Tumbler's hands, as Tumbler clutches onto him.

"Spot! Race!" Tumbler shouts, trying to warn Spot and Race, but failing to get words out.

"It's okay Tumbler. I got you" Spot comforts him, hugging the little, clearly not getting the message.

"No!" Tumbler shouts, scrambling to get up. Spot doesn't let him.

"Tumbler, calm down" Spot tells him, his voice stern and concerned as he looks over the beaten and bruised little. Tumbler starts crying more.

"No! No!" Tumbler shouts, pointing at Race. Spot looks over at Race, as Race's dad sneaks up behind him.

"This is for being a disappointment and trying to escape. Plus, being gay is a sin" Race's dad shouts, loading his gun.

Race whips around, shocked. He drops his cigar, as a loud boom goes off.

Race clutches his side, letting out a cry of pain, and sliding down the wall of the alley. Tumbler shouts, as Race's dad runs off.

"Race!" Spot and Tumbler shout, as black spots cover Race's vision. "Stay with me Racer, please."

Race tries to stay awake, but eventually closes his eyes as darkness takes over.
"Race! RACE!"

1102 Words.
I'm prepared for some angry Fansies because of this chapter. Come at me.
- Sweets

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