Chapter 6 - Spot

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Warning: Minor Abuse
Third Person POV

Spot Conlon and his soulmate got every bruise, cut, or burn mark the other one got.

Spot barely ever got any bruises or cuts, but his soulmate, on the other hand, was a completely different story.

Spot was always in a lot of pain, however, probably less than his soulmate, because of how hurt his soulmate was.

Spot always wondered why his soulmate was always injured. What kept hurting his soulmate? He got new bruises, cuts, and burn marks every day.

He always felt bad for his soulmate, and wanted to help him. He didn't know who his soulmate is though, never mind where they live.

Throughout the pain, Spot always wonders what he can do to help his soulmate, but he can't do much.

He wants to find his soulmate so badly, but he doesn't know where to start. It's not easy to find your soulmate, there are a lot of people in the world.

The only people who know about how bad his soulmate is always hurt is Albert, Jack, his second, who is back in Brooklyn, Ace, his third, who is also back in Brooklyn with Ace, Smokes, and his fourth, Hotshot. (He is, again, back in Brooklyn).

They have tried to help Spot find his soulmate, but there are so many people on this earth, that they don't know where to start either.

They felt bad that he and his soulmate were both in so much pain, and wanted to help, but they didn't know how.

Spot walked into Math, and sat next to Albert, like usual. He dropped himself into his seat, immediately regretting it, because of the bruises, cuts, and burns on his back that made it really painful to do anything and everything.

He holds his arms, biting his lip to stop himself from crying, or letting out a cry of pain.

Albert looks at him, and sees him in pain. His face softens as he sadly watches his, clearly pained, friend. "Your soulmate again?" He asks, a little too loud, to Spot's annoyance.

Spot glares at him, and Albert nods, getting his answer.

"He keeps getting more burns, cuts, and bruises every night, and they keep getting worse" Spot explains, looking pitiful, for his soulmate and himself.

"I want to take a look. Jack ought to be in art, so we'll go see him" Albert decides, getting his stuff together. Spot nods.

"Sir! Can we please go to the restroom?" Albert asks their teacher, Mr. Weisel, or what the Newsies like to call him, Weasel. They wouldn't miss much since Weasel was a bad teacher and didn't teach a lot.

Weasel angrily turns around, glaring at Spot and Albert. He doesn't like the Newsies or any kids at all for that fact, other than Oscar and Morris. "Go! And don't bother to come back for the rest of the class, you lousy rats."

Albert smirks, he knew that would happen. It's pretty predictable with Weasel. He's one of the rudest teachers.

Albert grabs his things, while Spot gathers his stuff. Albert grabs Spot's wrist and basically drags him out of the class, and to Jack's art class.

When they get to Jack's art class, they open the door. Albert nods to the teacher, Mrs. Samson, who nods back, knowing who and what they need.

Jack looks up, sees Albert and Spot, gathers his things, and leaves the class with them. Albert and Jack say a quick "thank you", before rushing, themselves and Spot, to the abandoned boys restroom.

In there, Albert makes Spot take his shirt off and Jack grabs the bandages that he keeps in his bag in case of an emergency.

"Spot," Albert gasps when he sees Spot's back, "your poor soulmate is in trouble."

Jack looks at Spot's back, and he too, gasps when he sees it.

"Spot, what is your soulmate doing?" Jack asks, a little panicked.

"I don't know, but it hurts like heck, Jack" Spot mutters. He had never wanted to admit that it hurt, but he knew he could trust Jack and Albert.

Jack starts cleaning the cuts, and Spot hisses in pain every time the cloth touches a cut. After that, they put cream in the burn marks, which takes a little longer, than cleaning the cuts.

Then, they bandage Spot's back up, trying their hardest not to hurt him, but there are some pretty bad injuries that his soulmate left untreated.

Jack, Albert, and Spot were used to doing this. They had to do this quite often with how bad, and how often, Spot's soulmate was hurt.

When they finished, they sat together on the floor, Albert was still bandaging Spot's arms, and they were talking about what could be going on with Spot's soulmate.

"Maybe they get bullied?" Jack suggests. Albert shakes his head.

"No, bullies don't go this far" Albert disagrees, as Jack nods.

"What if he has abusive parents?" Spot asks. Jack and Albert look at him, like realization came flooding to them.

"That's probably it, but why would a parent do that to their kid?" Jack asks, looking a little sad. Sure, his father had neglected him, and killed his mother, but he didn't abuse Jack.

It was sad to think about what was happening to Spot's soulmate. Why would a parent do that to their kid? What did the kid do to deserve that?

"Why though? Why would a parent hurt their kid?" Spot questions. They had all been thinking it, and Spot was the one who asked it out loud.

"I don't know, maybe some parents just really hate their kids" Albert sighs, finishing up bandaging Spot's arms.

"I feel so bad, I just want to find and help my soulmate. Give him or her someone who loves them" Spot sighs, looking at the ground.

"I know, and I want to help" Jack assures him. They had tried looking for Spot's soulmate, but soulmates are not easy to find.

The three boys continued talking, when they heard the bathroom door click. It was opening. They share looks with each other, who would ever come in here other than themselves?

The door opened, and it was Race.

Race was crying, and holding his arms. Albert, Jack, and Spot were shocked. Race?

Race looked at them. His eyes widen; he hadn't been expecting to see anyone in the bathroom, as no one really goes into this bathroom.

There was a reason he had always come in here when he needed too, it was basically abandoned.

He especially hadn't been expecting to see Jack, Spot, and Albert in there, with Spot bandaged like he had just gotten jumped.

1114 Words

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