Chapter 9 - Race

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Warning: Abuse, Self Doubt
Third Person POV

Jack explained what happened; how they found out that Race and Spot were soulmates, and why Race had bandages on, even though he didn't know what had happened to Race.

"Why didn't you tell us, Race?" Crutchie questions, his voice breaking and filled with worry.

Race turns his head away from the group, and looks down, not wanting to say anything or make eye contact with Jack.

"Racer-" Jack starts. Race couldn't bear to hear the worry in his voice.

"Stop." He snaps, startling the boys. "It's nothing. Will you let it go?!"

"Racer, you are laying on me, your arms and back looking like you were kidnapped and tortured for years. I won't stop until you let us help you, no one should have to go through this alone" Jack responds. Race huffs, getting annoyed.

In his mind, Jack was just doing this out of pity. He was just doing this because it was the nice thing to do. They all were.

"Race, we've been your best friends for years, please let us help" Albert pleads with him. Race shakes his head again. Albert sighs in defeat.

"Race, why must you make this so much more difficult?" Spot asks, sounding annoyed. He just wanted to help, why couldn't Race see that?

"Spot, control your temper. We can't force him to speak and getting annoyed won't help" Jack tells Spot, who scoffs in response, crossing his arms as he sits back again.

"Race, please let us help you. We don't want you to be hurt, no one deserves to go through this" JoJo tells Race, who doesn't respond.

Race turns his head back towards the ceiling, turning away from JoJo, who sighs in defeat.

Jack looks in Race's eyes. Race used to have bright blue eyes that were full of joy, now there was nothing. No emotion in his eyes, it was almost as if someone had drained the hope and joy out of him.

"I can't talk to you" Race mumbles, biting his lip to stop him from crying again.

"Why not?" Specs questions, getting concerned. He shares a worried look with Finch, Jack, JoJo, and Elmer.

"If I tell you, you'll think I'm worthless and weak, and you'll leave me" Race answers, failing to hold in the tears that had been trying to escape for a few minutes.

Most of the boys look at him in shock, as a few others share worried looks with each other.

"Who told you that?" Albert exclaims, as the other boys chorus similar things/disagreements with his statement.

Race shakes his head, he wasn't going to answer that.

"Whoever did is wrong. We are here for you and we love you. You're our brother, Race, no matter what" Finch assures Race, who shakes his head again. That's not true.

"Race, you aren't leaving this room or our sight until you talk to us. You can't keep this to yourself, and we're gonna help you," Jack tells Race, who sighs. "Gonna tell us now?"

"Just give it up Jack" Race responds. Jack sighs again, looking over Race again.

He knew he couldn't force Race to tell him, he could only hope that Race would eventually tell them on his own.

Race tries to get up, but ends up surrounded by the Newsies. Due to that fact that his back and arms are killing him, he couldn't really do anything.

"We just want to help Race" Buttons assures him, putting his hands out in front of him as he tried to move closer to Race.

"I don't need any help" Race responds, fiddling with his cigar as he looks around for his shirt.

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