Chapter 45 - Buttons

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Warnings: Almost freezing?
Third Person POV

"B... please wake up." It was muffled, very muffled. "B, B. B, Buttons. Benjamin Davenport."

Everything was freezing, as if he was trapped in a world of ice.

Buttons shivered a bit, snuggling closer to the closest thing he had to warmth.

"Buttons," The voice was back. "Hey, B, are you awake? Are you okay?"

Buttons let out an inaudible response, trying to figure out who he was talking to, what was happening, and where he was.

"Hey Buttons." The voice whispers.

"Cold..." Buttons could barely form words, never mind actually speak them.

"Do you want to move closer to the fire?" The voice whispers, speaking slowly so that Buttons could pick up their words.

Buttons nods, slightly.

Buttons felt a blanket get taken off of him, causing him to shiver a bit, before someone picks him up.

As they walked a few steps, he felt the air get a bit warmer.

"Mmm." Buttons hums. "Warm."

Buttons heard scattered chuckles and laughs.

"I'm going to sit you down with Henry." The voice informs Buttons.

Henry... Buttons' eyebrows furrowed.

Henry, what?

"B, I need you to stay awake. Please," Henry was basically pleading with him now. "Please, keep your eyes open for me, Benjamin."

Buttons eyes shot open, and he shot up.

He felt frozen.

Button's cringed in pain, hugging himself.

"Hey, hey, B." Finch appears next to him. "Careful, careful, are you okay?"

Buttons saw the genuine concern in his eyes.

Buttons felt his eyes well up with tears, before carefully hugging Finch.

Finch was a little shocked. "Uh- hey B. Are you okay?"

Buttons shook his head slowly.

Finch frowns, wrapping his arms around the younger boy.

"It was freezing." Buttons whispers, shivering a bit.

Finch moved the two of them slightly closer to the fire. "I'm sorry. We shouldn't have told you to come here." Finch whispers.

"We tried." Buttons whispers. "It wasn't your fault. Henry's phone froze, I left mine at home, and it was too late to turn back home."

Finch nods.

"Where is Henry?" Buttons whispers, sounding curious.

Finch chuckles.

"I'm right next to you two." Henry answers from next to Finch.

Buttons' head shot up.

He grins. "Hey, Henry!"

Henry chuckles. "Hey BB." He turns his head to face him. "How are you?"

"Cold." Buttons answers.

Henry chuckles with the others.

"Hey, Mike," Henry starts. "Where is Klopp?" He asks.

Mike chuckles. "With his Soulmates. Couldn't come home because of the storm." He explains.

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