Chapter 40 - Katherine

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Warning: Girl stuff (lol)
Third Person POV

Katherine waited outside the Jacobs' house, like most Tuesdays and Thursdays, and usually Fridays.

Sarah would stay at Katherine's house Tuesdays into Wednesday's, and Friday's into Saturdays, plus she had dates with Katherine on Thursdays, and sometimes other days.

The door to the Jacobs' house opens, and out comes Davey.

Katherine looked at him confused, as Les follows his brother out of the house.

"Hey Dave, where's Sarah?" Katherine questions. Davey looks behind himself to see if Les is listening.

"Inside, curled up on her bed crying. Period stuff" Davey quietly explains. Katherine frowns, she felt that.

"Can I still see her?" Katherine asks. Davey smiles at her.

"Sarah wants to see you, but she doesn't want you to see her like this" Davey states. Katherine throws him a look.

"Dude, I'm a girl. This happens to all of us, I understand" Katherine responds. Davey laughs.

Les throws Katherine a very threatening (not) glare. "You better not hurt her."

"Les, I tell you this every time. I love your sister, I'm not gonna hurt her" Katherine reminds Les, who gives her a satisfied nod.

Les told her this every single time she saw Sarah. Katherine always assured him that she wasn't gonna hurt Sarah.

Davey would smile slightly, and guide Les away from the girls when Les did this. He's very overprotective for a ten-year old.

Katherine walks into Sarah's bedroom, and like Davey had said, Sarah was curled up into a ball on her bed, crying.

Sarah looks up when she feels someone sit on the bed next to her.

She immediately sits up when she sees Katherine, before clutching her stomach and falling back on the bed, crying more.

"Aww, Sar" Katherine pulls Sarah close to her.

Sarah was wearing a purple dress, she had probably tried to get ready for their date, but Davey probably stopped her before she hurt herself.

"Kath- I- Davey- not supposed to be h-here" Sarah hiccups. Katherine frowns.

"Sarah, baby, I'm a girl. I've been through this. Trust me, you're fine" Katherine assures her, hugging her close.

"I'm sorry" Sarah mumbles. Katherine shhs her.

"You don't have to be sorry. It's just one of the wonders of being a girl" Katherine states. Sarah laughs a little.

"Want to invite Smalls and Sniper over?" Sarah asks. Katherine smiles, nodding.

She pulls out her phone to text the girls.

The four of them were very different, like Sarah and Sniper were probably the most alike, but they were still pretty good friends. Besides, girls have to stick together in a group that filled with boys.

"They'll be here in five, apparently" Sarah informs Katherine, as she looks at her phone, confused on how they were gonna get there that fast.

"Cool." Sarah smiles at Katherine, before wincing in pain. Katherine notices that she's still in her dress. "Wanna change out of your dress to more comfortable clothing?"

Sarah nods.

Katherine helps Sarah up, before going to grab black leggings, a loose shirt, and a sweatshirt, that was obviously Katherine's from the 'Future Writer's Club' (it had her name on it).

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