Chapter 15 - Jack

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Third Person POV

Jack had noticed that Davey had been acting weird today.

Davey had had a hard time walking/running around today, and when they had to find Elmer, Jack had to practically drag Davey around.

Davey couldn't lean up against stuff, and had had a hard time sitting down as well.

Jack also saw that Davey couldn't focus today, and that was weird for Davey.

He had been talking to Katherine, later in the day, while Davey and Sarah had their own, hushed, conversation, when he found out why Davey had been acting weird.

"Hey Kath, Davey's been acting weird today. Any idea why?" Jack asks. Katherine looks at him, shocked.

"He didn't tell you what happened?" Katherine asks. Jack starts to get more worried.

"No?" He answers. She looks at Davey, concerned, before turning back to Jack.

"Sarah explained to me what happened with their grandparents. Basically, their parents told their grandparents about you and I being their soulmates, and when their parents and Les weren't looking, Davey and Sarah's grandparents beat them. Sarah got some, but Davey got the worst of it" Katherine explains your Jack, who's jaw drops.

"Why wouldn't he tell me?" Jack asks her. Katherine shakes her head.

"I honestly don't know, maybe because he didn't want to worry you" Katherine suggests. Jack nods, he got that, but was still worried.

Both of them start listening in on Sarah and Davey's conversation.

"You haven't told him?!" Sarah exclaims. Davey puts a finger to his lips.

"Shh! No I haven't" Davey answers. Sarah facepalms.

"Why not?! He's probably worried! Something is clearly wrong with you!" Sarah tells him. Davey looks down.

"Damn right I'm worried" Jack interjects, causing the two siblings look at him startled.

"Jack" Davey breathes, starting to freak out.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jack asks Davey, who looks down, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. They were a mixture of pain, worry, and feeling like a burden.

"I didn't want to worry you, or make you feel like you had to take care of me" Davey whispers. Jack's face softens.

"Dave, I'm your soulmate, never mind your boyfriend, it's my job to care for you as you do for me. I want to care for you, that's why I love you. I worry about you because I choose to, not because I'm forced to. I just need to know these things and then I can help you" Jack explains to Davey, who nods.

Katherine and Sarah watch them in awe, thinking it's adorable.

"I'm sorry Jack" Davey mutters, over and over as Jack pulls Davey into his arms.

"Why are you sorry, baby?" Jack asks his boyfriend, putting his chin on Davey's head.

"Cause I didn't tell you" Davey whispers, blushing a bit at the pet name.

Jack smirks a bit when he sees the blush.

"Davey, look, I understand. I get it. I've done it too, just ask Katherine" Jack tells Davey. Katherine smirks.

"Jack and I used to date, and he did this a lot" Katherine explains, elaborating on what Jack had said.

"Now both of us are dating/have a soulmate with a Jacobs sibling" Jack adds, smirking, as Katherine kisses Sarah's forehead, as Sarah happens to be leaning on her.

"Yes you do" Davey whispers, approvingly, still in Jack's arms. Jack, Sarah, and Katherine lightly laugh.

"Sometimes, I'm a big softy, and other times, Davey is" Sarah points out, chuckling at her twin.

"Yeah, both of you are big softies on the inside, you just don't always show it over the smarts and beauty" Katherine responds. Sarah smiles, trying not to show the blush on her face.

"You're usually super soft when you're vulnerable/sad" Jack continues, whispering a little, his chin on Davey's head.

"My boyfriend's right" Davey mumbles, sounding tired.

"My girlfriend is also right" Sarah points out, looking off into the distance (the school yard, cause it's so interesting).

"He's almost asleep, don't blame him for what he says" Jack tells Sarah, who nods. She lives with him, so she out of anyone would know this.

Multiple Newsies come over, aka Race, Albert, JoJo, Romeo, Spot, Elmer, and Finch.

"Well, ain't this cute" Race smirks, snickering a bit with Albert, JoJo, and Elmer.

"Aww shut it, my boyfriend just confessed something and he's tired, don't bother him" Jack tells them, rolling his eyes ever so slightly.

"What did he confess?" Finch questions, a bit concerned.

"Our grandparents can over this weekend, and they were mad that our soulmates were the same gender as us, and beat us" Sarah explains. Katherine rubs her back.

The smiles/smirks on the boys faces disappear, leaving concern, anger, and sadness.

"Sorry guys" Elmer apologizes, as Albert rubs his back.

"Not your fault. Davey just fell asleep on Jack, cause he was tired, in pain, and had been crying" Sarah explains. The boys nod.

"He hadn't told me, and I knew something was up, so I asked Katherine, and she explained it to me, then we confronted Sarah and Davey" Jack explains, rubbing Davey's hand.

"We meeting at your house today, Jack?" Spot asks, trying to remember. Jack nods.

"Yup. Kath, Sarah, you two, and Davey, are welcome to come today. We're having a sleepover and walking to school together tomorrow" Jack explains. Spot nods, thanking him.

"I'll text our mom" Sarah decides for her and Davey, as she pulls out her phone.

"I can't come" Race tells the group. Spot glares at him.

"Anthony Higgins. I will drag you to the sleepover, you are not leaving Medda's, or going back to your dads" Spot tells him. Race huffs.

"Try and stop me" Race dares Spot, getting in his face. Spot smirks.

"I will, and Jack will help me" Spot tells Race, as Jack nods.

Race huffs, crossing his arms.

"Come on Race, do you really want to go back to your dad's and get more hurt? Besides, we're fun" JoJo reminds Race, who deadpans at him. 'Fun' is one word for it.

"He'll come after you and me!" Race exclaims, standing up.

"And we'll protect you, and stop him. I promise you" Spot assures him. Race just shakes his head, sitting back down.

"Our mom says we can come, just after school we have to go pick up stuff for the sleepover" Sarah informs the group. Jack nods.

"I'll drive you" Jack offers. Sarah gratefully nods.

"We should probably inform Davey, and wake him up. Class is gonna start soon" Romeo points out, wanting to go see his boyfriend in the next class.

Jack nods, waking Davey up.

1118 Words
Sorry, I forgot to post for most of today since I just started school, but enjoy!

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